Wide Dynamic Range Display

Natural sceneries have a wide dynamic range (WDR) unlike regular display devices (such as LCD monitors or mobile phones) that have a limited dynamic range. Due to recent technological improvements, modern image sensors can capture WDR images that accurately describe real-world sceneries. However, when these captured WDR images are displayed on standard display devices, they appear to be over-exposed in well-lit scenes or under-exposed in dark scenes.  This leads to the loss of image details.  

We are currently working on a tone mapping algorithm that adapts the captured wide dynamic range scenes to the low dynamic range devices while maintaining the details from the original scenery. We are looking to improve and implement the system on FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) as well as on ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) in such a way that low power consumption, low hardware resources and real-time performances are guaranteed for HD WDR images and videos. 

Effect of applying tone mapping

Effect of applying tone mapping