Rhonda Gail Clark
Research Project Coordinator
Project Manager
Contact information
Rhonda joined EBG in the fall of 2016 as Research Project Coordinator for the Geomicrobiology group and Project Manager of the Genome Canada GENICE project awarded to Casey Hubert. Prior to joining EBG she worked with Dr. Gerrit Voordouw and the Petroleum Microbiology Research Group here at the University for 8+ years. From 2002-2008 she was a sessional instructor in the department of Biological Sciences teaching microbiology and a Research Associate working on the genetics of nitrogen fixation in Rhizobium leguminosarum. Rhonda’s PhD (University of Alberta) work focused on the anaerobic rumen bacterium Butyvibrio fibrisolvens and developing novel genetic transfer systems that would allow for the introduction of genes involved in cellulose degradation. This work was done at the Rowett Research Institure in Aberdeen, Scotland, the Agriculture Canada Research Centre in Lethbridge and at the University of Calgary. Upon completing her PhD she was presented with an interesting job opportunity that involved coordinating a 100th Anniversary Commemorative Cattle Drive that took place on CFB Suffield and ended in Medicine Hat, Alberta. The work involved acquiring sponsorships, arranging contracts with service providers (food, video, book, etc), meeting with stakeholders, tracking participant registration and looking after the finances. Rhonda is excited to be supporting EBG in a position that utilizes her experience in research and project coordination.