Other Events
Other events hosted by HPI, including the HPI annual bootcamp, social events, HPI-sponsored conferences, and more.
Recent Articles
The 7th Annual HPI Research and Curling Day 2020
By Breton Fougere (MSc student, Finney lab, University of Calgary)
HPI Visiting Speakers: Dr. Sarah Knutie (University of Connecticut)
Article by Diana Jeong, (MSc student, Poissant lab, University of Calgary)
The 6th Annual HPI Research and Curling Day 2019
Article by Shasta Webb (PhD student, Melin lab, University of Calgary)
The 6th Annual Host-Parasite Interactions Bootcamp 2018
Article by Susan Wang (MSc student, McKay lab, University of Calgary)
HPI Visiting Speakers: Mani Lejeune and Yoko Nagamori
Article by Camila de Queiroz (PhD student, Gilleard lab, University of Calgary)
Behind the Scenes Tour at the Calgary Zoo
Article by Leah Brummelhuis (Hanington Lab, University of Calgary)
HPI Annual Bootcamp
- The 6th Annual HPI Bootcamp 2018
- The 5th Annual HPI Bootcamp 2017
- The 4th Annual HPI Bootcamp 2016
- The 3rd Annual HPI Bootcamp 2015
- The 2nd Annual HPI Bootcamp 2014
- The 1st Annual HPI Bootcamp 2013
Social Events
- The 7th Annual HPI Research and Curling Day 2020
- The 6th Annual HPI Research and Curling Day 2019
- Behind the Scenes Tour at the Calgary Zoo
- Paint Nite
- The 5th Annual HPI Research and Curling Day 2018
- The 4th Annual HPI Research and Curling Day 2016
- Get Ready, Get Set, Canoe!
- The 3rd Annual HPI Research and Curling Day 2015
- The 2nd Annual HPI Research and Curling Day 2014
- HPI Holiday Bowling Night
- The 1st Annual HPI Research and Curling Day 2013
- HPI Visiting Speakers: Dr. Sarah Knutie (University of Connecticut)
- HPI Visiting Speakers: Mani Lejeune and Yoko Nagamori
- Host Parasite Interactions: From Molecules to Ecosystems (An International Conference)
- HPI Research Symposium
- The 54th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Zoologists 2015: An Excellent Meeting for Parasitism, Immunology and Environment