HPI members discussing career paths.

Career Development Workshops

Recent Articles

HPI Intellectual Property and Commercialization Workshop

Article by Grace Mariene (PhD student, Wasmuth lab, UCalgary)

HPI Science Communication Workshop: A Practical Guide to Those Awkward Moments

Article by Vickie Li (MSc Student, McKay lab, UCalgary)

HPI Science Communication Workshop: Finding and Telling A Memorable Story

Article by Olivia Sosnowski (MSc student, Buret lab, UCalgary)

Introduction to R Projects and GitHub

Swellan Pinto, MA student, Melin Lab, UCalgary

HPI Self-care Workshop

By Blanca Callejas, postdoctoral fellow (McKay Lab, UCalgary)

HPI Anxiety 101 Workshop

By Grace Mariene, PhD student, (Wasmuth lab, UCalgary)