Physical Health
Physical movement is important for many components of a child's wellbeing including bone growth and brain development.

Canadian 24 Hour Movement Guidelines
The Canadian 24-hour movement guidelines recommend that children and youth aged 5 to 17 years participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity for at least 60 minutes a day (CSEP link). Adults should participate in at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic activity a week, and muscle strengthening activities at least twice a week (CSEP adults).

Screen Time Guidelines
The Canadian 24-hour movement guidelines recommend no screen time for children under age 2, 1 hour or less a day for children ages 2 to 4, and 2 hours or less a day for children ages 5 to 17. The Healthy Parents Healthy Children and Government of Canada websites include resources to model healthy screen time, and include examples of fun family activities for parents to engage with their children.

City of Calgary Resources
The City of Calgary has numerous recommendations and resources to help families stay active in their communities. The City of Calgary Parks maintains more than 1100 playgrounds and 5600 park sites across the city to facilitate outdoor play year-round. Please visit this link for more information about the parks across the city.

Health Checkups
Physical health includes preventative healthcare including immunizations, dental visits and eye exams. The Healthy Parents Healthy Children website includes information about recommended health checkups for children.
Mental Health
Our brains and bodies are connected, which means mental health impacts physical health and vice versa. When you need support, please reach out to appropriate organizations, communities, family members and/or healthcare providers accordingly.

Wellness Together Canada
Wellness Together Canada includes numerous free resources for adults and children to learn about mental health, and to connect with others who understand in community platforms and/or professional services. The initiative was created in response to a rise in mental health and substance use concerns across Canada since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kids Help Phone
Kids Help Phone offers free e-mental health services to young people in Canada in both English and French.

Canadian Mental Health Association
The CMHA Calgary builds awareness and provides education and support for individuals and families living with a mental health or substance use concern, and a loss by suicide. The organization offers peer support, counselling, classes and workshops.

Mental Health Resources for Children and Youth
The Luna Child and Youth advocacy centre in Calgary has created a listing of mental health resource links for children and youth, including ConnecTeen, a confidential chat platform for youth in the Calgary area.

Parenting Support and Tips
Government of Alberta parenting support resources, including information about Family Resource Networks that work to help Albertan families become resilient, strong and healthy, to help children and youth reach their fullest potential.

Families Matter
Families Matter works to empower families so that caregivers and children build resilience and thrive. The organization offers numerous parent classes in the Calgary area to create a connected community in which children and families are nurtured and supported to be happy, healthy and resilient.

Healthy Parents Healthy Children
Healthy Parents Healthy Children offers parenting advice from pregnancy through to school years, including articles related to behaviour, child development, and parenting strategies.

Family Smart
Family Smart helps children and young people by helping their parents and other caring adults. The organization offers resources, training and parent support groups for parents of kids with mental health and/or substance use challenges. *Peer support services are free.