

Research highlights are shown in fun, easy to understand posters and presentations.

Roy et al., 2024

Feature Publication

How does Race Predict Depressive Symptoms During Pregnancy?

Compared to White women, racialized women were more likely to have higher levels of depressive symptoms and possible clinical depression.

Learn more

Early Findings from the All Our Families Study

The following infographics share key results from our early work, over 10 years ago! Over 3,200 women joined the All Our Families study during their first trimester of pregnancy, sharing information about health and wellness during pregnancy and early postpartum.


Who are we?


How did mom's feel during pregnancy?


How were mom's doing early postpartum?

Video Abstracts & Presentations

Video abstracts share key results from scientific publications in brief videos (usually 2 to 5 minutes long) to share peer-reviewed publication findings in an engaging manner. Presentations include short lightning talks from conferences, and longer presentations sharing key findings from the All Our Families cohort study. You may visit the News & Media webpage to watch additional video abstracts and presentations from AOF team members.

For example, this video abstract shares AOF research findings related to longitudinal associations between screen use and reading in preschool aged children, available on the Pediatrics Journal website (Dr. Brae Anne McArthur, 2021).

Blood Test to Predict Preterm Births (Drs. Suzanne Tough and Donna Slater, 2016)

Risk and Protective Factors for Externalizing Behavior at Three Years of Age (Dr. Erin Hetherington, 2018)

Graphic Abstracts

Graphic abstracts are one page summaries of scientific publications that highlight key findings from peer reviewed articles in a visual format with slightly more accessible language than scientific publications. Each graphic abstract includes a link to the peer reviewed article under the associated title for those interested.

Click through the images below to open the graphic abstract in a larger document for easier viewing.