
Reports & Presentations

Technical reports and previous presentations are available below.

Mother and Youth

Coming soon - 12-14 Year Maternal and Youth Reports

These reports will describe data from AOF participants from the most recent 12-14 year maternal and youth surveys. These reports will describe our findings in areas of connectness, screen time, school and work, and physical and mental health.

Enduring Value of the AOF Pregnancy Cohort

In December 2022 Dr. Sheila McDonald presented on the benefits of the All Our Families longitudinal pregnancy cohort study, including the types of research we've conducted over the past ten years (e.g., maternal mental health, breastfeeding practices, child development, and psychometric properties of mental health scales).

Early Experiences of Albertan Families During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In collaboration with the Alberta Pregnancy Outcomes and Nutrition Study, this report describes data collected from approximately 2,000 Albertan mothers, where APrON and AOF pooled together resources to capture the impacts of the first 3 to 4 months of the COVID-19 pandemic on families in Alberta.

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on All Our Families

This report describes data collected from approximately 1,000 All Our Families participants and their children from the first COVID-19 Impact Survey. Areas of mental health and well-being, screen time, school and daily life, and social connectedness were captured within the first 3 to 4 months of the pandemic.

Experiences of Albertan Families During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This presentation shares data from the three COVID-19 surveys that were completed by All Our Families mothers and youth during the pandemic (from May 2020 to January 2022), with a particular focus on mental health outcomes.

SHEInnovates Women and Global Innovation

In 2019, Dr. Suzanne Tough was recognized by the United Nations as one of the Top 100 women from around the world who have contributed to mentoring, supporting and empowering women. In 2020, she was asked by SHEInnovates to present her research at the SHEInnovates Women and Global Innovation Campaign by the United Nations Global Innovation Coalition for Change.