In addition to Faculty of Graduate Studies and Faculty of Science requirements, the Department requires:
That all students register in the Graduate Seminar, Physics 691, during Fall and Winter Terms of the first two years in program.
Master of Science (thesis-based)
a) All students must complete the core courses: 6 units from Physics 609, 611, 613, 615 or 617 (only one of Physics 615 and 617 can be taken as a core course).
b) In addition, students must complete course requirements for their specialization as described below.
Astrophysics, Physics, and Space Physics
- Elective courses: 6 units at the 500 or 600 level, as approved by the Graduate Program Director.
Medical Physics
- Specialization courses: Medical Physics 623 and 625; and
- Elective course: 3 units at the 500 or 600 level, as approved by the Graduate Program Director.
Radiation Oncology Physics
Master of Science (course-based)
Students must complete 30 units of coursework, which will include:
a) Physics 603, 605, 609, 611, 613, and one of Physics 615 or 617; and
b) 12 units within the area of specialization:
Astrophysics – Astrophysics 699 plus 9 units labelled ASPH (two of these may be at the 500 level). Physics 629 and Space Physics 679 may be taken instead of Astrophysics courses.
Physics – Physics 699 plus 6 units labelled ASPH, PHYS, or SPPH (these may be at the 500 level) plus 3 units labelled PHYS, at the 600 level or above.
Space Physics – Space Physics 699 plus 9 units labelled SPPH, at the 600 level or above. Physics 509 may replace a SPPH course.
In addition, students must complete a comprehensive examination with a written and oral component.
Doctor of Philosophy
a) A minimum of 6 units at the 600 level or higher for students who hold a master's degree.
b) A minimum of 18 units at the 600 level or higher for those entering the doctoral program without a master's degree.
c) For students specializing in Radiation Oncology Physics who do not hold an accredited MSc degree in Radiation Oncology Physics:
- Medical Physics 623, 625, 632, 633, 637, 638, 639; and
- 6 units from Physics 609, 611, 613, 615, 617 (only one of Physics 615 and 617 can be taken for credit).