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Graduate Studies Calendar 2020-2021 Important Notice and Disclaimer
Important Notice and Disclaimer

The material and information in this Calendar is compiled from academic and administrative office submissions and are time-sensitive. Every reasonable effort is made to ensure it is correct and accurate at the time of publication, but inaccuracies and errors may occur. If there is an inconsistency or conflict between the general academic regulations and policies published in the Graduate Calendar, and such regulations and policies as established by resolution of a Faculty or of the University General Faculties Council, the regulations and policies version as approved by the Faculty or the University General Faculties Council will prevail.

By the act of registration with the University of Calgary, each student shall be deemed to have agreed to be bound by the regulations and policies of the University and of the program in which that student is enrolled as well as any relevant Faculty policies and regulations.

Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the general information, rules and regulations contained in the Calendar, and with the specific information, rules and regulations of the Faculty or Faculties in which they are registered or enrolled or seek registration or enrolment, as well as the specific requirements of each degree, diploma or certificate sought. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the courses chosen are appropriate to the program and graduation requirements.

Students should note that not every course listed in the Calendar is offered every year, nor does being admitted into a program guarantee space in any given course.

The University of Calgary has the responsibility and reserves the right to make changes in the information contained in the Calendar and will provide as much notice as administratively possible in effecting such change.

The University of Calgary does not accept, and hereby expressly disclaims, any and or all responsibility or liability to any person, persons or group, either direct or indirect, consequential or otherwise, arising out of any one or more of such changes and, specifically, the University hereby disclaims liability to any person who may suffer loss as a result of reliance upon any information contained in this Calendar.

The University of Calgary disclaims all responsibility and liability for loss or damage suffered or incurred by any student or other party as a result of delays in or termination of its services, courses, or classes by reason of force majeure, pandemics, public health emergencies, fire, flood, riots, war, strikes, lock-outs, damage to University property, financial exigency or other events beyond the reasonable control of the University. The University also disclaims any and all liability for damages arising as a result of errors, interruptions or disruptions to operations or connected with its operations or its campuses, arising out of computer failure or non-compliance of its computing systems.

The language of instruction at the University of Calgary is English, except in certain courses. As resources permit, selected courses in some disciplines may also be offered in other languages.