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Anthropology ANTH
Archaeology ARKY
School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape SAPL
Biological Sciences BISI
Biomedical Engineering BMEN
Chemistry CHEM
Communication and Media Studies CMMS
Computational Media Design CMD
Computer Science CPSC
Data Science and Analytics DATA
Drama DRAM
Economics ECON
Education Graduate Programs
Engineering Programs ENGG
Engineering, Chemical and Petroleum ENCH
Engineering, Civil ENCI
Engineering, Electrical and Computer ENEL
Engineering, Environmental ENEN
Engineering, Geomatics ENGO
Engineering, Leadership in Engineering and Advanced Practice LEAP
Engineering, Mechanical and Manufacturing ENME
English ENGL
French, Italian and Spanish FISL
Geography GEOG
Geoscience GEOS
German GSEA
Greek and Roman Studies GRST
Haskayne School of Business: Management MGMT
History HIST
Information Security and Privacy ISEC
Interdisciplinary Graduate Program IGP
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Languages, Literatures and Cultures LLAC
Linguistics LING
Mathematics and Statistics MTST
Medicine Programs
Medicine, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology MDBC
Medicine, Biomedical Technology MDBT
Medicine, Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences MDCV
Medicine, Community Health Sciences MDCH
Medicine, Gastrointestinal Sciences MDGI
Medicine, Immunology MDIM
Medicine, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases MDMI
Medicine, Neuroscience MDNS
Medicine, Pathologists' Assistant MDPA
Medicine, Medical Science MDSC
Military and Strategic Studies CMSS
Music MUSI
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Sustainable Energy Development SEDV
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About the University of Calgary
Graduate Studies Calendar 2020-2021 Program Descriptions Interdisciplinary Graduate Program IGP
Interdisciplinary Graduate Program - IGP
Contact Information

Note: Admission to this program has been suspended.

Program number: 403.220.6501
Email address:
Web page URL:

1. Degrees and Specializations Offered

Master of Arts (MA), thesis-based

2. Admission Requirements

In addition to Faculty of Graduate Studies requirements, the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program requires:

a) A statement identifying at least two academic disciplines or interdisciplinary degrees that will be integrated in the MA degree.

b) An undergraduate degree in one of the academic disciplines or interdisciplinary degrees that will be integrated in the master’s degree.

c) A grade point average of 3.50 or higher (on the University of Calgary four-point system). This is based on the last two years of the undergraduate degree (minimum of 60 units).

d) Applicants required to prove proficiency in English must fulfill this requirement in one of the following three ways:

  • a TOEFL score of 100 on the Internet-based test
  • an IELTS score of 7.5

e) Three reference letters on the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program’s reference letter forms.

f) An up-to-date curriculum vitae. Please separate refereed and non-refereed research contributions.

g) A concise statement of reasons for applying to the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program, including its fit with career objectives.

h) A research statement (maximum of 1500 words (5 pages)). Please note that this research statement must include the following sections: Background, research questions, literature review, research methodology, intellectual merit of the proposed research, and broader impacts of the proposed research. The research statement should also indicate if ethics approval is required to carry out the proposed research.

i) A statement of interdisciplinarity that:

  • sets out what makes the proposed program of study interdisciplinary
  • specifies how each academic discipline or interdisciplinary degree will inform the research and why each is essential to answering the proposed research questions
  • provides clear evidence that the proposed program of study cannot be undertaken in any other disciplinary or interdisciplinary degree at the University of Calgary

Please note that insufficient academic preparedness for another disciplinary or interdisciplinary degree and absence of an MA, MSc, or PhD program at the University of Calgary in an established disciplinary or interdisciplinary degree are not adequate reasons for pursuing a degree in IGP.

j) Proposed coursework as set out below in Program/Course Requirements.

k) A proposed Supervisory Committee. The Supervisory Committee must consist of at least two people (Supervisor plus one person), one from each identified academic discipline or interdisciplinary degree (maximum of three members).

l) The proposed Supervisor must provide a letter that:

  • confirms their willingness to supervise the applicant through to completion of the degree
  • supports the proposed research and statement of interdisciplinarity
  • confirms that the proposed research cannot be carried out in their program
  • sets out how the proposed courses and research project will ensure sufficient disciplinary rigor within the program of study
  • explains how the selection of other members of the Supervisory Committee will ensure a balance of interdisciplinary and disciplinarity
  • confirms department/program approval for their role on the Supervisory Committee for this student
  • includes a curriculum vitae that provides evidence of their expertise and experience relevant to the proposed research

m) Each proposed Supervisory Committee Member must provide a letter that:

  • confirms their willingness to serve on the Supervisory Committee through to completion of the degree
  • supports the proposed research and statement of interdisciplinarity
  • confirms that the proposed research cannot be carried out in their program
  • sets out how the proposed courses and research project will ensure sufficient disciplinary rigor within the program of study
  • includes a curriculum vitae that provides evidence of their expertise and experience relevant to the proposed research

n) A proposed completion schedule. The Interdisciplinary Graduate Program does not offer a part-time registration status option. Expected completion time is two years for the MA degree. Maximum completion time is four years for the MA degree.

o) A funding plan that provides evidence of sufficient financial resources to carry out the program of study. A two-year funding plan is required. Applicants must be eligible to hold awards administered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program. Please note that statements signalling an intention to apply for funding are not sufficient.

p) A statement of availability of, and access to, all resources that are required to carry out the proposed research (e.g., equipment, data, access to respondents, funding for field work).

3. Application Deadline

The Interdisciplinary Graduate Program admits students for a September start through a four-step admissions process. Each step requires specific documentation by a specified date. The decision not to recommend admission can be made at each step in the process. Successful applicants at each step will move to the next step. Unsuccessful applicants at each step will receive a letter informing them that they will not be recommended for admission to the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program.

Step 1 Assessment of eligibility.

Deadline for submission of required documentation: 4:00 pm (MST) January 15

Required documentation:

  • online application
  • application fee
  • academic transcripts for all previous programs of study
  • TOEFL or IELTS score (where required)
  • up-to-date curriculum vitae
  • specification of two academic disciplines or interdisciplinary degrees that will be integrated in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program
  • a statement confirming that at time of first registration you are eligible to hold graduate awards administered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program

Step 2 Assessment of proposed program of study, supervision and funding plan.

Deadline for submission of required documentation 4:00 pm (MST) March 1

Required documentation:

  • statement of career goals and fit with proposed program of study
  • research statement
  • statement of interdisciplinarity
  • proposed coursework
  • proposed completion schedule
  • funding plan
  • statement of availability of, and access to, resources necessary to carry out proposed research
  • three reference letters
  • Supervisory Committee package (letters of support from the supervisor and members of Supervisory Committee; curriculum vitae of supervisor and each member of the Supervisory Committee)

Step 3 Admissions Seminar held within three weeks of assessment of proposed program of study, supervision and funding plan.

Step 4 Recommendation to the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

4. Advanced Credit

Requests for advanced credit must be made as part of the admission process. Credit will not be given for course work taken as part of another completed degree/diploma or for courses taken to bring the grade point average to a required level for admission. Advanced credit requests may not exceed one-third of the course load identified at the Admission Seminar. PhD applicants may not receive credit for undergraduate courses.

5. Program/Course Requirements

In addition to Faculty of Graduate Studies requirements, the Program requires:

  • a minimum of four graded courses (12 units), two per academic discipline or interdisciplinary degree integrated in the program of study
  • additional courses in methodology and statistics as needed
  • a maximum of one directed reading course
  • at least 75 per cent of the coursework must be at the graduate level

Copyediting of students’ theses is not allowed.

6. Additional Requirements


7. Credit for Undergraduate Courses


8. Time Limit

Maximum completion time is four years for a master's program and six years for a doctoral program.

9. Supervisory Assignments

All students must have an approved supervisory committee at the time of admission.

10. Required Examinations

Final thesis examinations are open.

11. Research Proposal Requirements

All students must have a thesis research proposal approved by their Supervisory Committees. For PhD students the thesis research proposal must be approved before the candidacy examination.

12. Special Registration Information

Course registration must be completed manually by completing the Faculty of Graduate Studies Change of Registration form.

13. Financial Assistance

Applicants will not be admitted to without an approved two-year funding plan.

Students are required to apply for external and internal awards for which they are eligible. For information on awards and application deadlines, see the Faculty of Graduate Studies website. Students should also check with the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program for internal deadlines.

Applicants: Please note that award deadlines may fall before the application deadline for admission.

Financial assistance may be available from the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program. Priority will be given to students in the first two years of a master’s degree. This funding may include an Interdisciplinary Graduate Program Scholarship, a Graduate Teaching Assistantship and/or a Graduate Teaching Fellowship.


  • may not hold or accept full-time employment
  • may not hold or accept paid employment that entails 600 or more hours per year