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Anthropology ANTH
Archaeology ARKY
School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape SAPL
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Biomedical Engineering BMEN
Chemistry CHEM
Communication and Media Studies CMMS
Computational Media Design CMD
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Education Graduate Programs
Engineering Programs ENGG
Engineering, Chemical and Petroleum ENCH
Engineering, Civil ENCI
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Engineering, Environmental ENEN
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Engineering, Leadership in Engineering and Advanced Practice LEAP
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Haskayne School of Business: Management MGMT
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Information Security and Privacy ISEC
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Medicine Programs
Medicine, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology MDBC
Medicine, Biomedical Technology MDBT
Medicine, Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences MDCV
Medicine, Community Health Sciences MDCH
Medicine, Gastrointestinal Sciences MDGI
Medicine, Immunology MDIM
Medicine, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases MDMI
Medicine, Neuroscience MDNS
Medicine, Pathologists' Assistant MDPA
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About the University of Calgary
Graduate Studies Calendar 2020-2021 Program Descriptions Information Security and Privacy ISEC
Information Security and Privacy ISEC
Contact Information

Location: Mathematical Sciences building, room 220
Telephone: 403.220.7157
Web page:

1. Degrees and Certificates Offered

Master of Information Security and Privacy (course-based)


Graduate Certificate in Data Privacy

Graduate Certificate in Network Security

Graduate Certificate in Software Security

Laddering from Graduate Certificates to Master of Information Security and Privacy

Students who complete two of the graduate certificate programs (in Network Security, Software Security, or Data Privacy) and who are subsequently accepted into the Master of Information Security and Privacy may receive credit for the 24 units of coursework completed in the two certificate programs.

2. Admission Requirements

Master of Information Security and Privacy

In addition to Faculty of Graduate Studies requirements [insert link], admission to the Master of Information Security and Privacy requires:

a) Undergraduate preparation of either:

  • A four-year Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Computer Science from a recognized institution; or
  • A four-year Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognized institution.

b) In addition, candidates must have successfully completed an undergraduate course (or provide evidence of equivalent knowledge) in each of the following areas:

    • Computer programming with understanding of execution environments (e.g., Computer Science 233 or equivalent)
    • Algorithms and data structures (e.g., Computer Science 331 or equivalent)
    • Either Operating systems (e.g., Computer Science 457 or equivalent); or Computer networks (e.g., Computer Science 441 or equivalent).

c) Two letters of reference

d) Resume or CV

e) Optional letter of intent

Graduate Certificate in Network Security, Graduate Certificate in Software Security, and Graduate Certificate in Data Privacy

In addition to Faculty of Graduate Studies requirements for Admission, the following are required:

  • A four-year Bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognized institution.
  • Successful completion of an undergraduate course in each of the following areas:
    • Computer programming with understanding of execution environments (e.g., Computer Science 233 or equivalent)
    • Algorithms and data structures (e.g., Computer Science 331 or equivalent)
    • Either Operating systems (e.g., Computer Science 457 or equivalent); or Computer networks (e.g., Computer Science 441 or equivalent).

Students may submit a letter of reference to strengthen their admission cases, but it is not required.

Alternate Routes to Admission: In exceptional circumstances (see Admissions - Qualifications), individuals who do not meet formal academic requirements but who have significant life achievement and/or work experience may be considered for admission to the graduate certificate program. The candidate must provide the Information Security Program Director with evidence demonstrating the potential to successfully undertake this certificate program. Such candidates may also be required to participate in an in-person interview with the Program Director and, if admitted, be required to take additional courses to meet completion requirements.

Students who successfully complete one of the graduate certificate programs, and who then apply to the other graduate certificate program and/or to the Master of Information Security degree program within 5 years of completing the first certificate, will not be required to submit reference letters or previous transcripts again. If students complete new coursework elsewhere, they will be required to submit new transcripts.

3. Application Deadline

The deadlines for completed applications are available on the Future Students website:

Master of Information Security and Privacy:

Graduate Certificate in Data Privacy:

Graduate Certificate in Network security:

Graduate Certificate in Software security:

Graduate Certificate in Data Privacy:

4. Advanced Credit

Advanced credit or transfer credit, with the exception of that granted through the laddered certificate pathway, will not normally be given for the Master of Information Security program.

Graduate Certificate in Network Security, Graduate Certificate in Software Security and Graduate Certificate in Data Privacy

Advanced credit will not normally be given for any of the certificate programs.

5. Course Requirements

Master of Information Security and Privacy

Students must complete 30 units, which must include the following courses:

*Normally, students will be required to complete Information Security and Privacy 691. However, with the permission of the Program Director, students may complete Information Security and Privacy 681 instead of Information Security and Privacy 691.

Laddering from Graduate Certificates to Master of Information Security and Privacy
Students who complete two of the graduate certificate programs (in Network Security, Software Security, or Data Privacy) and who are subsequently accepted into the Master of Information Security and Privacy may receive credit for the 24 units of coursework completed in the two certificate programs.

Graduate Certificate in Data Privacy

Graduate Certificate in Network Security

Graduate Certificate in Software Security

Note: no course can be counted for credit towards more than one graduate certificate program.

6. Credit for Undergraduate Courses

For the Master of Information Security and Privacy and graduate certificate programs, credit will not normally be granted for undergraduate courses.

7. Time Limits

Expected completion time for the graduate certificates is 4, 8, 10 or 12 months, depending on the schedule set for that cohort. The maximum time allowed three years.

Expected completion time for the Master of Information Security and Privacy for direct-entry full-time students is 12 months, and the maximum time allowed is four years.

Expected completion time for the Master of Information Security and Privacy via the laddered certificate pathway is two years, and the maximum time allowed is four years from the start of the first certificate.

8. Supervisory Assignments

Each cohort in the Master of Information Security and Privacy and graduate certificates will be assigned to an academic advisor.

9. Financial Assistance

Financial assistance is not available for these programs.