We have currently multiple openings for undergraduate, MSc and Ph.D. students, and postdoctoral scholars. Highly motivated students and graduates are encouraged to apply.
Graduate Students: To make sure we give your application full consideration, please send it via email to Dr. Mahdis Bisheban at mahdis.bisheban@ucalgary.ca. Don’t forget, all applications need to include:
- Cover letter including relevant research experience and statement of research interest,
- Sample of relevant publications (if any),
- English exam results (for international applicants),
- Current CV,
- (unofficial or official) copies of diplomas/university certificates and transcripts; and
- Names and contact information of at least two (2) referees with knowledge of your research and academic experience to support your application
For information regarding the admission requirements and deadlines, please visit the Schulich School of Engineering Website.
Details about the admission process for PhD students can be found at https://grad.ucalgary.ca/future-students/explore-programs/mechanical-and-manufacturing-engineering-phd.
Undergraduate Students: To ensure we consider your application thoroughly, please email your CV and an unofficial copy of your transcripts to Dr. Mahdis Bisheban at mahdis.bisheban@ucalgary.ca. Dr. Bisheban supports undergraduate students applying NSERC USRA and PURE program.
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility (EDIA):
We are committed to establishing an equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment at our lab. We strive to remove barriers that have been, and continue to be, encountered by equity deserving groups, including women, Indigenous peoples, visible/racialized minorities, persons with disabilities, and LGBTQ2S+. For more information, please visit: https://www.ucalgary.ca/equity-diversity-inclusion.
Additional information about the City and the UNIVERSITY:
To learn more about University of Calgary visit: https://ucalgary.ca/news/ucalgary-named-top-5-research-university-first-time
and https://ucalgary.ca/about/our-organization/facts-and-figures
Explore how the University of Calgary’s research makes an impact on the world: https://research.ucalgary.ca/
Discover the vibrant city of Calgary: https://www.ucalgary.ca/future-students/undergraduate/experience/city-choice.