A message from Dr. Stadnyk
First Nations recognize that our shared waters are scared because they represent the interconnectedness of all life; that water is the giver of life, and because of this, that water is a feminine responsibility. This definition of water speaks to me at a core level: I know that my fascination with the awesome power and subtle serenity of water began early, on the shores of Lake Huron. Water has, and always will fascinate me and this is a passion I endevour to share with my two young daughters, and hopefully generations to come. Education and outreach related to protecting and preserving our water and its connection with Earth and life, is a responsibility I take seriously.

Indigenous Water Voices
This map shows the current research areas of the University of Calgary Hydrologic Analysis Lab (UC-HAL). It also showcases the current Indigenous context of these area. It highlights the federal legislative boundaries of reserves across the country as well as the Historical (Numbered) Treaties and Modern Treaties. We have created it in the spirit of Truth & Reconciliation and to advance our own understanding of the views around water from those who were here before us.
Upcoming Outreach Activities
The following are seminars and public speaking events that UC-HAL members recently participated in
UC-HAL Summer
Our team is at it again -- if your little ones are interested in summer camps, then check out the GeoVenture and Early minds STEM camps that our team will be working with. We will run a 1-day module in each camp that teaches little ones about the importance of wetlands in our environment, shows them what lives in our wetlands, and guides them through using microscopes and SciArt to explore the importance of these natural systems.

NEW Western University Course Offering | Connecting for Climate Action
Coming Soon! S/F 2023
Offered by Western University, Connecting for Climate Change Action is a new course that uses a storytelling approach to bring Western and Indigenous Sciences together to educate, encourage discussions, and motivate action on climate change. This innovative, experiential, online learning opportunity engages and stimulates learners to action to mitigating climate change.
YouTube Series | Bow River Basin
SAIT Sustainability | Bow River Basin Council have produced a public-facing series on water, hydrology and the health of the Bow River basin. Check it out and use it in your classroom!
Art-Water-Climate Connection Exhibition

In these unique and challenging times, the validity of science and trust in science is under constant scrutiny. In an effort to engage diverse groups and all Canadians (and global citizens), Global Water Futures is leading an initiative that brings together the Art and Science communities called the The Virtual Water Gallery. Inspiring and talented artists are paired with scientists to explore ways to innovatively and effectively create works of art that speak to the environmental challenges of today. Keeps your eyes peeled for the results of this amazing project! Dr. Stadnyk from the UC-HAL has been paired with Trudeau Foundation Artist Bob Haverluck, and UC-HALs own Megan Leung is particiapting in the gallery as an Artist, showcasing her creative visions of art inspired by humanity and science.
Citizen Science Outreach
UC-HAL needs YOU! We are working to form a rainfall monitoring network across the City of Calgary and beyond. If you are an Elementary or Junior High School that is interested in science projects related to water, climate change and weather - please connect with us!
Here is a summary of our program, and the benefits to your students and school.
Online Resources
The following are examples of online resources developed or contributed to by UC-HAL.
Expedition Churchill

E-Book download
Designed for for teachers and educators, this plain language e-book resource summarizes the connection between changing climate, freshwater hydrology on land, and the Arctic Ocean (Hudson Bay) sea ice dynamics, ecosystem and biogeochemistry. Students can use the e-book and user friendly graphics to interact with the various components of this critical freshwater-marine system, and learn how climate change is driving it to a crucial tipping point.
Available in mobile and desktop formats.

This interactive website allows users to explore past, current and future hydrology of the pan-Arctic basins in response to changing climate. Developed and published by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrologic Institute (SMHI), this website allows users to visualize future changes the Arctic may be facing.
c3s Showcase

Canada's Water Security
An interactive climate atlas and demonstration of hydrologic scenarios, past and future,for the Canadian Prairie regions Nelson-Saskatchewan River basin. The demo features the uncertainty water regulators face simply by driving a model using different versions (reanalyses) of current climate, a comparison of regulated river discharge and discharge under the same climate without regulation, and future hydrologic response to climate change. This Atlas was developed through a European Union funded project and the Copernicus Climate Change Service (c3s).