Visiting Scholars from UNSW

- October 2024 - Welcome visiting scholars from Dr. Furqan Hussain's group at UNSW.

STEM activities
- March 2024 - Welcome our high school students for participating STEM activities in our group.
- September 2023 - Jens Martens joins the group as a graduate student. Welcome Jens!
- September 2023 - Dr. Giovanniantonio Natale gets awarded the research grant from the New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF)!

- April 2022 - Welcome to Shailah Aggarson and Akshay Senthilkumar to our group for participating in the STEM fellowship program!
- March 2022 - Congratulations to Tanvir to have successfully defended his PhD thesis!

- December 2021 - Congratulations to Tanvir for his paper on "Dynamics of Brownian Janus Rods at liquid-liquid interface" being accepted in Physics of Fluids as editor's pick!

- December 2021 - Dr. Natale has been elected as Vice President of the Canadian Society of Rheology!

- December 2021 - Congratulations to Samin to have her paper on "Superparamagnetic SiO2@Fe3O4 core/shell Fabrication via Low-temperature Electroless Deposition" published in Materials Chemistry and Physics!
- November 2021 - Congratulations to Teetas for receiving the Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship
- July 2021 - Congratulations to Samin for receiving the Ursula and Herbert Zandmer Graduate Scholarship!
- March 2020 - Congratulations to Ajay and Shabab to have successfully defended their MSc thesis!

- February 2020 - Dr. Natale receives the Schulich School of Engineering Outstanding Teacher Award!

- November 2019 - Congratulations to Shabab to have his paper on "Diffusiophoresis of Active Colloids in Viscoelastic Media" published in Soft Matter!
- July 2019 - Congratulations to Razie for receiving the Ursula and Herbert Zandmer Graduate Scholarship!
- July 2019 - Congratulations to Gaurav Kumar for successfully defending his MSc thesis titled "Settling Dynamics of Two Spheres in a Diluted Suspension of Brownian Rods"!

- June 2019 - Dr. De Corato and Giovanniantonio Natale publish a theoretical paper on Nematic colloids in oscillatory shear in Macromolecules!

- June 2019 - Congratulations to Gaurav to have his paper on "Settling dynamics of two spheres in a suspension of Brownian rods" accepted in Physics of Fluids and chosen as Editor's Pick! Great work!
- April 2019 - Gaurav and Giovanniantonio Natale present at the Annual European Rheology Conference! Many interesting talks and potential collaborations.
- March 2019 - Congratulations to Razie and Narsis that received the Graduate Excellence Award from the University of Calgary!

- March 2019 - CFI grant awarded for Twin Drive Rheometer. Great infrastructure to support our interdisciplinary research.
- January 2019 - Welcome Samin to Calgary and our group!
- November 2018 - Shabab presents at the Division of Fluid Dynamics of the Americal Physical Society! Great discussions and new ideas were shared.
- May 2018 - Welcome to Razie and Narsis to our group!
- November 2017 - Welcome to Tanvir to our group!
- October 2017 - Giovanniantonio Natale gets awarded the New Directions grant from the Americal Chemical Society - Petroleum Research Fund!
- September 2017 - Welcome Shabab and Ajay to the group!
- April 2017 - Giovanniantonio Natale gets awarded the NSERC Discovery Grant on Active Colloidal Suspensions
- March 2017 - Welcome Gaurav to our group!
- August 2016 - Giovanniantonio Natale joined the department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at University of Calgary.
April 1, 2022
Welcome to Shailah Aggarson and Akshay Senthilkumar to our group for participating in the STEM fellowship program!
March 1, 2022
Congratulations to Tanvir to have successfully defended his PhD thesis!
Dec. 16, 2021
Congratulations to Tanvir for his paper on "Dynamics of Brownian Janus Rods at liquid-liquid interface" being accepted in Physics of Fluids as editor's pick!
Dec. 1, 2021
Dr. Natale has been elected as Vice President of the Canadian Society of Rheology!
Dec. 1, 2021
Congratulations to Samin to have her paper on "Superparamagnetic SiO2@Fe3O4 core/shell Fabrication via Low-temperature Electroless Deposition" published in Materials Chemistry and Physics!
Nov. 1, 2021
Congratulations to Teetas for receiving the Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship!
July 1, 2021
Congratulations to Samin for receiving the Ursula and Herbert Zandmer Graduate Scholarship!
March 1, 2020
Congratulations to Ajay and Shabab to have successfully defended their MSc thesis!
Feb. 1, 2020
Dr. Natale receives the Schulich School of Engineering Outstanding Teacher Award!
Nov. 1, 2019
Congratulations to Shabab to have his paper on "Diffusiophoresis of Active Colloids in Viscoelastic Media" published in Soft Matter!
July 1, 2019
Congratulations to Razie for receiving the Ursula and Herbert Zandmer Graduate Scholarship!
July 1, 2019
Congratulations to Gaurav Kumar for successfully defending his MSc thesis titled "Settling Dynamics of Two Spheres in a Diluted Suspension of Brownian Rods"!
June 1, 2019
Dr. De Corato and Giovanniantonio Natale publish a theoretical paper on Nematic colloids in oscillatory shear in Macromolecules!
June 1, 2019
Congratulations to Gaurav to have his paper accepted in Physics of Fluids and chosen as Editor's Pick! Great work!
April 1, 2019
Gaurav and Giovanniantonio Natale present at the Annual European Rheology Conference! Many interesting talks and potential collaborations.
March 1, 2019
Congratulations to Razie and Narsis that received the Graduate Excellence Award from the University of Calgary!
March 1, 2019
CFI grant awarded for Twin Drive Rheometer. Great infrastructure to support our interdisciplinary research.
Jan. 1, 2019
Welcome Samin to Calgary and our group!
Nov. 1, 2018
Shabab presents at the Division of Fluid Dynamics of the Americal Physical Society! Great discussions and new ideas were shared.
May 1, 2018
Welcome to Razie and Narsis to our group!
Nov. 1, 2017
Welcome to Tanvir to our group!
Oct. 1, 2017
Giovanniantonio Natale gets awarded the New Directions grant from the Americal Chemical Society - Petroleum Research Fund!
Sept. 1, 2017
Welcome Shabab and Ajay to the group!
April 1, 2017
Giovanniantonio Natale gets awarded the NSERC Discovery Grant on Active Colloidal Suspensions
March 1, 2017
Welcome Gaurav to our group!
Aug. 1, 2016
Giovanniantonio Natale joined the department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at University of Calgary.