Grace Mariene
PhD Student, Dr. Wasmuth's Lab, Department of Ecosystem and Public Health
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary
Host-Parasite Interactions
BSc (Hons) - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
MSc - Bioinformatics
University of Nairobi, Kenya
Contact information
University of Calgary, Foothills Campus
: TRW1E37
I am a trainee (PhD student in Bioinformatics), learning and implementing bioinformatics skills to analyze biological data from nematodes that infect livestock. In order to coherently understand the global concern of drug resistance, my research focuses on gene families, specifically, beta tubulins, that are drug targets for anti-parasitic drugs, to understand their role, phylogenetics and possibly unravel new members in each nematode species. My research role is to carry out research on the identification, characterization, and the evolutionary relationships of beta-tubulins which are drug targets in nematodes.