Camila Meira
PhD student, Dr. Lash Gedamu, Department of Biological Sciences
Bachelor’s degree - Biological Sciences
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Camila is a PhD student in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Calgary, working under the supervision of Dr. Lashitew Gedamu since May 2016. She obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences in 2015 from the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil.
Camila worked in research projects on the molecular biology of Leishmania spp. at the Gonçalo Moniz Institute (FIOCRUZ), Brazil, from 2011 to 2015, funded by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and Bahia Research Foundation (FAPESB). In 2013, she participated in the Science without Borders program at the University of Calgary as visiting undergraduate student, conducting an independent research project on cathepsin B-like cysteine protease of L. donovani at Dr. Gedamu’s lab.
Camila’s current project is entitled: “Role of L. donovani cathepsin B on protein expression and sorting into exosomes”. She was recently awarded the Alberta Innovates-Technology Futures (AITF) scholarship for Master’s students.