Learn about ways you can get involved and use your voice to influence post-secondary issues that are important to you.
UCalgary’s Government Relations (GR) team manages the university's strategic relationships with the three levels of government, government agencies, and sectoral organizations representing the post-secondary sector. The GR team is the primary liaison between the university and elected representatives and government officials and provides guidance and advice across the institution.
We invite you to explore this site to learn about ways you can get involved and use your voice to influence post-secondary issues that are important to you.
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please visit our Access to Information page.
Community Engagement
UCalgary is a proud community builder that supports the socio-economic and cultural development of our city, province and beyond. We are committed to fully engaging the communities we both serve and lead. Learn more about our community partnerships and activities.
Please contact the Government Relations team with any questions you might have about getting involved and using your voice to influence post-secondary issues that are important to you.