Food, Policy & Health

The initiative on Food, Policy & Health seeks to bring together researchers and individuals broadly interested in food, policy and health, and to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas around this theme. Our research probes the complex forces affecting how individuals eat and interrogates theoretical and practical questions surrounding food and food marketing, policy and health. Particular attention is given to the socio-cultural aspects contributing to health, and their impact on dietary habits and nutrition.

Interested in Participating in Current/Future Research Projects?


Interested in the Media Literacy & Food Marketing Lesson Plans?

Kids & Food Marketing

Kids & Food Marketing

Participant recruitment for this study is now complete. Thank you for your interest!

Teenagers & Food Marketing

Teens & Food

Participant recruitment for this study is now complete. Thank you for your interest!

Cannabis Edibles

Cannabis Edibles

Participant recruitment for this study is now complete. Thank you for your interest!

Media Literacy & Food Marketing

Media Literacy & Food Marketing

More information about this project coming soon!


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Dr. Charlene Elliott is a Professor in the Department of Communication, Media and Film, and is jointly appointed with the Faculty of Kinesiology. She leads the Food, Policy & Health initiatives, is a current UCalgary Research Excellence Chair, and a former CIHR Canada Research Chair in Food Marketing, Policy and Children’s Health (2011-2022). Dr. Elliott's program of research examines food marketing, promotion and policy, with a particular focus on foods targeted at children.

Dr. Emily Truman is the Program Coordinator for GrabFM! Research Project and Research Associate in Food, Policy and Health. She has a PhD in Communication Studies, and has published on diverse topics, including media literacy, food literacy, food marketing to teenagers, and icons/symbols and visual culture.


Jocelyn Boonstra, B.Ed., has a Bachelor of Education in Elementary and Middle years. Jocelyn has worked extensively with children and on community outreach projects. She is an Education Facilitator for the Media Literacy and Food Marketing Lesson Plans and leading the BC data collection for the TrackPack! project on food marketing to children.

Calli Naish, BA, is a Master’s student in the Department of Communication, Media and Film. She is interested in science communication, specifically the intersection of science communication and social media. Her research is focused on how health science is communicated in a digital landscape.

Shanshan Shi, MA, is a PhD student and Graduate Research Assistant in the Department of Communication, Media and Film. Her research interest is focused on intercultural platform economy (platformization), specifically on digital food marketing in the context of big data. She completed her master's degree in Communication at Johns Hopkins University, as well as two bachelor’s degrees in Interactive Media Studies and Media and Culture at Miami University.

Jason Black, MSc, is currently completing a PhD with the department of Community Health Sciences in epidemiology, where he studies how prediction models can be improved using machine learning techniques. Jason provides statistical analysis for various projects related to the Food, Policy & Health initiative.

Nadia Ghazanfari Moghaddam, PhD (Translational Studies), is currently a graduate student in the Department of Communication, Media and Film at the University of Calgary where she is upgrading her skillset in Communication Studies. Her research interest is currently focused on the intersection between Food Marketing, Communications and AI.

Adam Beauferris is completing his undergraduate degree in computer science. He provides technical expertise on the TrackPack and GrabFM! projects.

Many Thanks

We would like to thank The Helderleigh Foundation for their generous funding of our Knowledge Translation program (2019-2021). The Helderleigh Foundation is Canada’s leading foundation exclusively dedicated to enhancing food and media literacy to children. It envisions a society of better informed young children and their families, consuming healthier foods, and beverages.