person typing on keyboard

Get career support at home

Did you know that Career Services can help you with your career needs from the comfort of your own home? Whether its career exploration, one-on-one advising or job search, check out these options:

  1. Virtual appointments: You can book a one-on-one appointment through CareerLink with a career development specialist, and then meet over Zoom or Skype. You can also get online help with self-assessments, job search tips, resume or cover letter review, writing tips, and even interview preparation.
  2. Online resources: Career Services has prepared an extensive database of career planning resources. Use them to help build self-awareness, identify your strengths, learn effective job search techniques and even discover potential careers for your area of study.
  3. Watch a Career Clip: These short clips give you quick takes on career topics, like building an effective resume, writing a convincing cover letter, interview skills and tips on salary negotiation.