Discover a wide range of programs, services, and initiatives designed to empower individuals with disabilities and foster inclusive communities. This section highlights resources that enhance accessibility and provide meaningful support for all.
Whether you’re looking for assistance, seeking resources to navigate challenges, or learning more about the importance of accessibility, this is the place to start. The goal is to ensure that everyone feels seen, valued, and included in a community where barriers are minimized, and opportunities are maximized.
Explore the curated list of local organizations, advocacy groups, and support networks, all working to create equitable spaces and promote accessibility. Learn about programs available to improve quality of life, including financial aid, assistive technology, educational services, and workplace accommodations.
Invisible Disability Education and Advocacy Association - IDEAA
The Invisible Disability Education and Advocacy Association (IDEAA) is a student-run organization based at the University of Calgary, dedicated to advocating for individuals with invisible disabilities and illnesses. IDEAA focuses on reducing stigma, fostering understanding, and promoting awareness of the unique challenges faced by those living with invisible disabilities.
Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies Students’ Association
The Community Rehabilitation and Disability Studies Program (CRDS) was established in 1979 as the first of a growing number of disability studies programs in Canada, and one of the first in North America.
Neurodiversity Support Office, UCalgary
Through workshops, peer support networks, and individualized guidance, the Neurodiversity Support Office promotes understanding and acceptance of neurodiversity within the university community. It also collaborates with campus partners to enhance accessibility and create equitable opportunities in academics, employment, and social engagement.
- Neurodiversity Support Advising (NSA)
- Neurodiversity Drop-in Advising
- Neuro-Inclusive Workshops and Educational training
The Neurodiversity Support Office is located at Student Accessibility Services (MSC 452). Neurodiversity Drop-in Advising is at the Sensory-Friendly Student Lounge (MSC 450).
Student Accessibility Services (SAS)
Student Accessibility Services (SAS) at the University of Calgary is dedicated to creating an inclusive and equitable learning environment by providing support and accommodations for students with disabilities. SAS works collaboratively with students, faculty, and staff to reduce barriers, ensuring all students have the opportunity to succeed academically and thrive within the campus community.
SAS offers a range of services, including individualized accommodation plans, assistive technologies, exam support, and accessibility resources tailored to meet the diverse needs of students. Whether supporting physical, sensory, mental health, learning, or chronic health-related disabilities, SAS is committed to fostering a culture of inclusion and accessibility across all aspects of university life. By empowering students and promoting awareness, SAS helps create a welcoming and supportive environment for everyone at the University of Calgary.
Sinneave Family Foundation
The Sinneave Family Foundation (Sinneave) works to reduce barriers and facilitate opportunities for autistic youth and adults to live, learn, work and thrive in their communities and to realize their desired futures. Sinneave draws on expertise and experience in innovative program and service development, knowledge sharing and collaborative community activities that generate lasting outcomes.
UCalgary and The Sinneave Family Foundation
Partnering with The Sinneave Family Foundation and learning from their deep expertise, resources and programs will bolster the success and sustainability of work-integrated learning programs and support equitable participation in these programs for neurodiverse students.
Calgary Society for Persons with Disabilities (CSPD)
CSPD offers a range of services, including residential care, life skills development, and recreational programs tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of each individual. By fostering a person-centred approach, the organization ensures that clients have the tools, resources, and opportunities to achieve their fullest potential. A cornerstone of CSPD's mission is to create a sense of belonging and community for individuals with developmental disabilities.