GLGY 201 Principles of Geoscience
Composition and internal structure of the Earth; surface processes; internal processes and global tectonics; rocks and minerals, topographic and geologic maps.
GLGY 209 Introduction to Geology
Basic concepts regarding the major features of Earth; its mineral composition, formation of mountains, ocean basins and continents; internal structure of the Earth and plate tectonics.
GLGY 301 Geology of the Mountainous Regions of Western Canada
Cordilleran tectonics and terrane models; mountain-building processes; exhumation; earthquakes, volcanoes, mass wasting hazards; geology of the Rocky Mountain parks.
GLGY 308 Geology and Human Health
Overview of human health issues related to geological phenomena, including medical geology, metals in groundwater, effects of volcanic eruptions, and soil nutrient deficiencies.
GLGY 323 Geochemical Processes
Focus is on chemical processes taking place in geological settings with emphasis on the processes governing the differentiation, migration and distribution of the elements.
GLGY 333 Igneous, Metamorphic, and Ore Rocks and Processes
Identification of rocks and minerals in hand sample and using the petrographic microscope; rock classification; interpretation of rock textures and structures; elementary petrology.
GLGY 337 Introduction to Geologic Field Methods
Creating geological maps and cross-sections from fieldwork and measurement of stratigraphic sections. The fieldwork will concentrate on rock identification and field relationships and basic structural geology. Field work conducted off campus for 10-12 days.
GLGY 341 Structural Geology
Mechanical principles involved in the deformation of rocks; classification of tectonic structures; geological mapping; manipulation of structural data and its predictive use.
GOPH 375 Natural Disasters and Earth Phenomena
Causes of disasters such as earthquakes, tsunami, volcanic eruptions, mud flows, landslides, avalanches, flooding, tornadoes and hurricanes. Surveys of historic disasters and their effects on life on Earth. Methods of prediction and prevention of disasters.
GLGY 429 Geochemical Thermodynamics
Application of chemical thermodynamics and computational methods to problems in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary geology, and aqueous geochemistry.
GLGY 431 Igneous Petrology
Petrogenesis of igneous rocks using field data, geochemistry and experiments. Application of igneous petrology to Earth processes and evolution.
GLGY 435 Field Methods II
Field study of geometrically complex geological problems. Involves independent mapping and report writing. Field exercises are conducted away from Calgary for about 10-12 days.
GLGY 443 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
Petrogenesis of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Laboratory study of igneous and metamorphic rock suites. Use of petrology to understand Earth processes and evolution.
GLGY 509/510 Senior Thesis
A written report based on independent study. Originality is emphasized, laboratory and field studies are encouraged. Published material may be included.
GLGY 599.65 Contemporary Topics in Geology (Bahamas Geology)
This field-based course provides a unique opportunity for students to further their knowledge of carbonate sedimentology by studying onshore and offshore geology on the island of San Salvador, where carbonates currently form and have accumulated in the recent Pleistocene past.