
Some things we've been working on in the Thurbide Research Group:

Adjustable Column Length Using a Water Stationary Phase in SFC, Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 97 (2019) 722-727. Saowapon, M.T. and Thurbide, K.B.*

Dynamic Control of Gas Chromatographic Selectivity During the Analysis of Organic Bases, Analytical Chemistry, 91 (2019) 6682-6688. Darko, E. and Thurbide, K.B.*

Dehydration of a Water Stationary Phase as a Novel Separation Gradient in Capillary SFC, Chromatographia, 82 (2019) 991–1001. Saowapon, M.T. and Thurbide, K.B.*

Micro-Flame Photometric Detection in Miniature Gas Chromatography on a Titanium Tile, Chromatographia, 82 (2019) 935-942. McKelvie, K.H. and Thurbide, K.B.*

A Rapid Analytical Method for the Selective Quenching-free Determination of Thiols by GC-FPD, Chromatographia, 81 (2018) 1559-1567. McKelvie, K.H. and Thurbide, K.B.*

Chiral Separations Using a Modified Water Stationary Phase in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography, Chromatographia, 81 (2018) 969-979. Frantz, J.J., and Thurbide, K.B.*

Capillary Gas Chromatographic Separation of Carboxylic Acids Using an Acidic Water Stationary Phase, Chromatographia, 80 (2017) 1225–1232. Darko, E., and Thurbide, K.B.*

Retention Characteristics of a pH Tunable Water Stationary Phase in SFC, Journal of Chromatographic Science, 55 (2017) 82-89. Scott, A.F., and Thurbide, K.B.*

Characterization of Ti Tiles as Novel Platforms for Micro FID Detection in Miniature GC, Chromatographia, 80 (2017) 805-812. Raut, R.P., and Thurbide, K.B.*

Analysis of Sulfur Compounds Using a Water Stationary Phase in GC with Flame Photometric Detection, Analytical Methods, 9 (2017) 1097-1104. McKelvie, K.H., and Thurbide, K.B.*

Gas Chromatographic Separation of Organic Bases Using a pH Adjusted Basic Water Stationary Phase, Journal of Chromatography, 1465 (2016) 184-189. Darko, E., and Thurbide, K.B.*

Incorporating Analytical Research Experience into the Undergraduate Curriculum, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 408 (2016) 5397-5401. Thurbide, K.B.*

A Novel Ultra-Short Capillary GC Method Using On-Column Injection and Detection, Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 94 (2016) 259-264. Alkhateeb, F.L., Hayward, T.C., and Thurbide, K.B.*

Packed Column SFC Using Stainless Steel Particles and a Water Stationary Phase, Analytical Chemistry, 87 (2015) 9429-9435. Murakami, J.N. and Thurbide, K.B.*