To determine financial need, students should estimate their living costs (rent, food, local transportation, clothing, entertainment, utilities, miscellaneous expenses, etc.); add tuition, fees, and books and supplies for the period they plan to attend (one or two terms) and deduct from total expenses all cash resources such as: savings, scholarships or bursaries, money received or to be received from parents, and any other income to be received during the period of attendance. The net result should be the amount of financial assistance needed.
The following is a guide to establishing a budget within the limits set by Alberta Students Finance.
Note: These figures are based on the 2008-2009 Alberta Students Finance budget figures and should be used only as a general guideline.
Single Students
Living away from home:
- $941 per month living allowance
- Tuition and fees
- $1,260 - $1,950 books and supplies in most faculties
Living at parent's home:
- $432 per month living allowance
- Tuition and fees
- $1,260 - $1,950 books and supplies in most faculties
Married Students
Married without children:
- $1,873 per month living allowance
- Spouse's student loan payments
- Tuition and fees
- $1,260 - $1,950 books and supplies in most faculties
Married with children:
- $1,873 per month living allowance
- $430 per month per child
- Actual child care costs
- Spouse's student loan payments
- Tuition and fees
- $1,260 - $1,950 books and supplies in most faculties
Single Parent Family including first child:
- $1,628 per month living allowance
- $430 per month per additional child
- Actual child care costs
- Tuition and fees
- $1,260 - $1,950 books and supplies in most faculties