
Analytical facilities

Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry

Bruker Daltonics Solarix 12Tesla FT-ICR-MS

One of only three instruments in Canada, based in the Western Canada Petroleomics Centre.
Ionisation: Electrospray & APPI sources
Resolution: Ultra High
M/Z range: 100-10,000
Applications: Whole oil analysis, petroleum fractions, intact polar membrane lipids, naphthenic Acids

Contact Thomas Oldenburg for further details


Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

Agilent Technologies 6890 GC with 5973n MSD

Instrument type: Single quadrupole MS
Ionisation: +ve ion EI 
Operating modes: SIM MS, Full Scan MS, simultaneous SIM/Scan
Resolution: low
M/Z range: 50-1050
Applications: geochemical fingerprinting of petroleum fractions, biomarkers, polar compounds