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In the News: Edmonton Journal

Pipeline protests spread from coast to coast as politicians warn them to stay in line with law

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In the News: David Wright, Faculty of Law, in Global's Danielle Smith Show

Bill C-69 may not stop pipelines after all

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In the News: Maclean's

Maybe a new pipeline could win federal approval after all

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In the News: Global News Calgary

What’s next for Alberta’s turn-off-the-taps legislation against B.C.?

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In the News: The Globe and Mail

Keystone XL pipeline clears major hurdle as Nebraska Supreme Court approves route

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In the News: Globe and Mail

For some First Nations, pipelines can be a lifeline

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In the News: Edmonton Examiner

Can Alberta really 'turn off the taps' to B.C.? Here's what we know about Jason Kenney's plan

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