APPENDIX A: Delegation of Authority

Delegated Individuals shall have such powers and authority including the ability to make all decisions within their defined areas of responsibility except to the extent that such authority has been specifically limited or defined by the President or the Board in writing or by Board resolution. Delegated Individuals may delegate any of their powers, duties or functions where considered appropriate and may prescribe conditions governing the exercise or performance of any delegated power, duty or function, including the power of sub-delegation; however, in doing so, shall ultimately responsible for the delegated power, duty or function.

In order to execute their accountabilities and fulfill their responsibilities, Delegated Individuals are able to make decisions with respect to:

  • resource allocation within their budget allocation
  • approval of administrative policy on matters within their mandate

If a decision for expenditure does not have a specified financial threshold, the approval authority thresholds in the Capital Projects Approval Procedure (see below table) should be used to guide consultation and approval requirements.

Budgeted Cost of the Capital Project or stage of the Capital Project for which approval is being soughtFinal Approval Authority
$0 to $1.5 millionThe President or a Vice President
Greater than $1.5 million to $3 millionThe Executive Leadership Team
Greater than $3 million to $6 millionThe Finance and Property Committee
Greater than $6 millionThe Board of Governors


PRESIDENT PRES1Approval of the acquisition of real property valued up to $5 million



VP(DA) if donation

Not RequiredPresidentNo
PRESIDENT PRES2Approval of the sale of real property up to $2.5 million



may require MOPresidentNo
PRESIDENT PRES3Approval of the lease of real property for a period greater than 5 years OR with an annual value of more than $1 million and less than $2.5 million




may require MOPresidentNo
PRESIDENT PRES4Approval of the acquisition of real property by the Students’ Union or the Graduate Students’ AssociationVP(SO)Not RequiredPresidentNo
PRESIDENT PRES5Approval of contracts for expenditures with a financial liability of greater than $20 million



Not RequiredPresidentNo
PRESIDENT PRES6Approval of joint ventures, partnership or other similar agreements not dealt with elsewhereGC & VP(PC)Not RequiredPresidentNo
PRESIDENT PRES7The appointment of deans of faculties



PRESIDENT PRES8The ability to delegate powers, duties, and functions to the deans of facultiesPVP(A)Not RequiredPresidentNo
PRESIDENT PRES9The ability to delegate powers, duties, and functions to the registrarPVP(A)Not RequiredPresidentYes
PRESIDENT PRES10Approval of SLT employment contracts



Not RequiredPresidentNo
PRESIDENT PRES11The ability to suspend an employee from duty and privileges


GC & VP(PC) if non-academic staff only

Not RequiredPresidentYes
PRESIDENT PRES12The ability to recommend an appointment, promotion or dismissal of academic staffPVP(A)Not RequiredPresidentYes
PRESIDENT PRES13Approval to execute collective agreements (with VP(S)



HRGC & BoardPresidentYes
PRESIDENT PRES14Approval of sponsorship requests or opportunities



Not RequiredPresidentYes
PRESIDENT PRES15Approval of administrative policies on matters relating to government relationsNot RequiredELTPresidentNo
PRESIDENT PRES16The ability to accept disclosures of intent to commercializeNot RequiredNot RequiredVP(R)Yes
PRESIDENT PRES17Approval of revenue sharing agreements arising out of commercialization of intellectual property



Not RequiredVP(R)Yes
PROVOST AND VICE-PRESIDENT (ACADEMIC) PVP(A)1Approval of academic affiliation(s) and similar agreementsGC & VP(PC)Not RequiredPVP(A)Yes
PROVOST AND VICE-PRESIDENT (ACADEMIC) PVP(A)2Approval of agreements on matters within the portfolio mandate (e.g. memorandums of agreements)GC & VP(PC)Not RequiredPVP(A)Yes
PROVOST AND VICE-PRESIDENT (ACADEMIC) PVP(A)3Approval of academic funding agreementsNot RequiredNot RequiredPVP(A)Yes
PROVOST AND VICE-PRESIDENT (ACADEMIC) PVP(A)4The ability to recommend appointments of the deans to the PresidentNot RequiredNot RequiredPVP(A)No
PROVOST AND VICE-PRESIDENT (ACADEMIC) PVP(A)5The ability to prescribe the terms and conditions of employment for academic staffGC & VP(PC)HRGCPVP(A)Yes
PROVOST AND VICE-PRESIDENT (ACADEMIC) PVP(A)6The ability to recommend ratification of faculty association agreements to HRGCGC & VP(PC)Not RequiredPVP(A)Yes
PROVOST AND VICE-PRESIDENT (ACADEMIC) PVP(A)7Approval of contracts for teaching servicesNot RequiredNot RequiredPVP(A)Yes
PROVOST AND VICE-PRESIDENT (ACADEMIC) PVP(A)8Approval of the use of the University's academic sealNot RequiredNot RequiredPVP(A)Yes
PROVOST AND VICE-PRESIDENT (ACADEMIC) PVP(A)9Approval of academic regulationsNot RequiredGFCPVP(A)Yes
PROVOST AND VICE-PRESIDENT (ACADEMIC) PVP(A)10The ability to establish admission requirementsNot RequiredGFCPVP(A)Yes
PROVOST AND VICE-PRESIDENT (ACADEMIC) PVP(A)11Approval for the allocation of space in University FacilitiesGFC if appropriateNot RequiredPVP(A)No
PROVOST AND VICE-PRESIDENT (ACADEMIC) PVP(A)12The ability to establish rules and regulations regarding the management and operation of librariesNot RequiredGFC


GFC approval may be required

PROVOST AND VICE-PRESIDENT (ACADEMIC) PVP(A)13Approval of agreements for gifts-in-kind to LCR



Not RequiredPVP(A)Yes
PROVOST AND VICE-PRESIDENT (ACADEMIC) PVP(A)14The ability to recommend tuition rates



Not RequiredPVP(A)No
PROVOST AND VICE-PRESIDENT (ACADEMIC) PVP(A)15The preparation of plans and reports required under the PSLA or by governmentVPs as per mandateNot RequiredPVP(A)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (RESEARCH) VP(R)1Approval of applications for research fundingNot RequiredNot RequiredVP (R)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (RESEARCH) VP(R)2Approval of institutional program applicationsGC & VP(PC)Not RequiredVP (R)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (RESEARCH) VP(R)3Approval of research agreementsGC & VP(PC)Not RequiredVP (R)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (RESEARCH) VP(R)4The ability to accept research grants with less than $1 million in potential liabilityVP(F)Not RequiredVP (R)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (RESEARCH) VP(R)5Approval of research affiliation agreements

VP(F) if financial liability 


Not RequiredVP (R)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (RESEARCH) VP(R)6Approval of inter-institutional and master agreements relating to researchGC & VP(PC)Not RequiredVP (R)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (RESEARCH) VP(R)7Approval of the reduction or waiver of indirect costs of researchVP(F)Not RequiredVP (R)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (RESEARCH) VP(R)8The ability to prescribe terms and conditions of employment for postdoctoral fellows and research associatePVP(A)Not RequiredVP (R)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (RESEARCH) VP(R)9Approval of applications and agreements for research chairs and other research-funded academic appointments



Not RequiredVP (R)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (RESEARCH) VP(R)10Approval of institutional nominations for research prizes and awardsNot RequiredNot RequiredVP (R)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (RESEARCH) VP(R)11Approval of the creation or dissolution of research centres and institutesSupervising OfficerGFC; Approval & Review BodyVP (R)No
VICE-PRESIDENT (RESEARCH) VP(R)12The ability to demand, obtain and use unclaimed bodies of deceased persons for anatomical or scientific study or research at the UniversityNot RequiredNot RequiredVP (R)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (FINANCE) AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER VP(F)1The ability to borrow an amount up to $10 million [short term borrowing]Not RequiredICVP(F)No
VICE-PRESIDENT (FINANCE) AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER VP(F)2The ability to recommend the board borrow any sum of money and issue notes, bonds, debentures, or other securities for the purposes of the University [long-term borrowing]Not Required



VICE-PRESIDENT (FINANCE) AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER VP(F)3The ability to recommend the board sell or otherwise dispose of notes, bonds, debentures or other securities on any terms and conditions [long-term borrowing]Not Required



VICE-PRESIDENT (FINANCE) AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER VP(F)4The ability to establish, manage, invest and winding-up or altering of a pooled trust fundNot RequiredNot RequiredVP(F)No
VICE-PRESIDENT (FINANCE) AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER VP(F)5The ability to provide remuneration for the trustee of a pooled trust fund and the trusts that participate in the pooled trust fund out of the income earned by the pooled trust fundNot RequiredNot RequiredVP(F)No
VICE-PRESIDENT (FINANCE) AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER VP(F)6The creation or dissolution of a corporationNot Required



VICE-PRESIDENT (FINANCE) AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER VP(F)7The ability to recommend the annual budget to the Finance and Property CommitteePVP(A)Not RequiredVP(F)No
VICE-PRESIDENT (FINANCE) AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER VP(F)8The preparation of consolidated financial statementsACNot RequiredVP(F)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (FINANCE) AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER VP(F)9Approval of contracts for expenditures with a financial liability of less than $20 millionNot Requiredappropriate VPVP(F)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (FINANCE) AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER VP(F)10Approval of agreements with students' union



VP(SO)(if required)

Not RequiredVP(F)No
VICE-PRESIDENT (FINANCE) AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER VP(F)11Approval of agreements with graduate students' association



VP(SO)(if required)

Not RequiredVP(F)No
VICE-PRESIDENT (FINANCE) AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER VP(F)12The ability to authorize the procurement of goods and servicesNot RequiredNot RequiredVP(F)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (FINANCE) AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER VP(F)13The ability to authorize the sale of goods or surplus assetsVP(SO)Not RequiredVP(F)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (FINANCE) AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER VP(F)14The ability to execute a charitable return(s)Not RequiredNot RequiredVP(F)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (SERVICES AND OPERATIONS) VP(SO)1The ability to accept gifts of real property




Not RequiredVP(SO)No
VICE-PRESIDENT (SERVICES AND OPERATIONS) VP(SO)2The ability to acquire real property less than $1 million



Not requiredVP(SO)No
VICE-PRESIDENT (SERVICES AND OPERATIONS) VP(SO)3Approval of the sale of real property less than $1 million



Not RequiredVP(SO)No
VICE-PRESIDENT (SERVICES AND OPERATIONS) VP(SO)4Approval of leases less than 5 years




PVP(A) if appropriate

Not RequiredVP(SO)No
VICE-PRESIDENT (SERVICES AND OPERATIONS) VP(SO)5Approval of right of way/easement



Not RequiredVP(SO)No
VICE-PRESIDENT (SERVICES AND OPERATIONS) VP(SO)6Approval of agreements relating to the funding of capital projects




Not RequiredVP(SO)No
VICE-PRESIDENT (SERVICES AND OPERATIONS) VP(SO)7The ability to produce long-range land use and development planNot RequiredNot RequiredVP(SO)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (DEVELOPMENT AND ALUMNI) VP(DA)1Approval of gift agreements (excluding gifts-in-kind to LCR)


GC & VP(PC) 



Not RequiredVP(DA)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (DEVELOPMENT AND ALUMNI) VP(DA)2Approval of contracts on matters relating to fundraising



Not RequiredVP(DA)No
VICE-PRESIDENT (DEVELOPMENT AND ALUMNI) VP(DA)3The ability to fulfill estate administration agreementsVP(F)Not RequiredVP(DA)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (DEVELOPMENT AND ALUMNI) VP(DA)4Approval of procedures on naming of physical and academic entities



VICE-PRESIDENT (DEVELOPMENT AND ALUMNI) VP(DA)5Approval of affinity agreements for alumniVP(F)Not RequiredVP(DA)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (DEVELOPMENT AND ALUMNI) VP(DA)6Approval of administrative policies on matters relating to alumni engagementNot RequiredELTVP(DA)No
VICE-PRESIDENT (COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT) VP(CCE)1Approval of the use of the University name and crest or coat of armsNot RequiredNot RequiredVP(CCE)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT) VP(CCE)2The ability to set standards for the use, presentation, and appearance of the University brand, name, crest, or coat of arms in all mediaNot RequiredNot RequiredVP(CCE)Yes
VICE-PRESIDENT (COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT) VP(CCE)3Approval of the acquisition and use of a trademarkNot RequiredGC & VP(PC)VP(CCE)No
VICE-PRESIDENT (COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT) VP(CCE)4Approval of administrative policies on matters relating to formal external and internal communicationsNot RequiredELTVP(CCE)No
VICE-PRESIDENT (COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT) VP(CCE)5Approval of administrative policies on matters relating to advertisingNot RequiredELTVP(CCE)No
VICE-PRESIDENT (COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT) VP(CCE)6Approval of administrative policies on matters relating to marketing and brand stewardshipNot RequiredELTVP(CCE)No
VICE-PRESIDENT (COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT) VP(CCE)7Approval of administrative policies on matters relating to community engagementNot RequiredELTVP(CCE)No
GENERAL COUNSEL & VICE-PRESIDENT (PEOPLE AND CULTURE) GC & PV(PC)1Act as ‘head’ for the purposes of the FOIP ActNot RequiredNot RequiredGC & VP(PC)Yes
GENERAL COUNSEL & VICE-PRESIDENT (PEOPLE AND CULTURE) GC & PV(PC)2Approval of administrative policies on matters relating to privacy and access to informationNot RequiredELTGC & VP(PC)No
GENERAL COUNSEL & VICE-PRESIDENT (PEOPLE AND CULTURE) GC & PV(PC)3The ability to retain outside legal counselNot RequiredNot RequiredGC & VP(PC)Yes
GENERAL COUNSEL & VICE-PRESIDENT (PEOPLE AND CULTURE) GC & PV(PC)4The ability to prescribe the terms and conditions of employment for Management and Professional Staff except research associatesNot RequiredHRGC (and subject to applicable collective agreement)GC & VP(PC)Yes
GENERAL COUNSEL & VICE-PRESIDENT (PEOPLE AND CULTURE) GC & PV(PC)5Approval of non-union employee (e.g. Management and Professional Staff) employment policiesNot RequiredHRGCGC & VP(PC)Yes
GENERAL COUNSEL & VICE-PRESIDENT (PEOPLE AND CULTURE) GC & PV(PC)6Approval of the use of the University's corporate sealNot RequiredNot RequiredGC & VP(PC)Yes
GENERAL COUNSEL & VICE-PRESIDENT (PEOPLE AND CULTURE) GC & PV(PC)7The ability to hire, promote, and dismiss support staff in accordance with the collective agreement Not RequiredNot RequiredGC & VP(PC)Yes
GENERAL COUNSEL & VICE-PRESIDENT (PEOPLE AND CULTURE) GC & PV(PC)8In conjunction with the President, the ability to implement a ratified collective agreement for support staff Not RequiredHRGCGC & VP(PC)No
GENERAL COUNSEL & VICE-PRESIDENT (PEOPLE AND CULTURE) GC & PV(PC)9Approval of benefit and/or pension plan agreementsACNot RequiredGC & VP(PC)No

Portfolios and Sub-Delegations

The President and Vice-Chancellor is the chief executive officer of the University, providing institutional leadership and oversight, developing and driving the mission, strategies and advancement of the University and acting as the chief advocate, the principal ambassador and the principal voice of the University.

  1. Active Sub-Delegations

    Coming soon 

  • Campus Mental Health Strategy
  • Chief Academic Officer
  • Chief Operation Officer
  • Continuing Education
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Graduate Studies
  • Hunter Hub for Entrepreneurial Thinking
  • Indigenous Engagement & Strategy
  • International 
  • Libraries and Cultural Resources
  • Planning and Resource Allocation
  • Student and Enrolment services 
  • Sustainability    
  • Teaching and Learning 
  1. Active Sub-Delegations

    PVP(A)2 Sub Delegation Activity Day Agr Apr 2013

    PVP(A)2 Sub Delegation Schoolboard Appendices Apr 2023

    PVP(A)2 Sub-Delegation_Dean_Vet Med_June 1 2022

    PVP(A)2 Sub-Delegation_Manager_UTS Sept 2024

    PVP(A)2 Sub-Delegation_Vice-Provost LCR_Feb 1 2022


  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Health Research
  • Indigenous Engagement
  • International
  • Research Services    
  1. Active Sub-Delegations

    VP(R) Sub-Delegation (Research)

  • Ancillary Services
  • Finance
  • Internal Audit
  • Risk
  1. Active Sub-Delegations

    VP(F)9 Sub-Delegation_SCM_July 26 2023

  • Campus Security    
  • Emergency Management
  • Environmental Health and Safety    
  • Facilities
  • Human Resources
  • Information Technologies
  1. Active Sub-Delgations

    Coming soon

  • Advancement Services
  • Alumni Engagement
  • Community Engagement
  • Development
  • Strategic Communications
  1. Active Sub-Delegations

    Coming soon

  • Academic and Labour Relations
  • Access & Privacy 
  • Commercial & Contracts
  • Intellectual Property Agreements
  • Litigation
  • Student Appeals 
  • University of Calgary Policy Development
  1. Active Sub-Delegations

    Please contact for more information.