Dr. Uttandaraman Sundararaj
Principal Investigator
Dr. Uttandaraman Sundararaj is a distinguished polymer researcher recognized with awards from international societies like the Polymer Processing Society and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany). He has published over 200 refereed contributions and has supervised over 50 graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. He is a renowned researcher in the areas of polymer blends, polymer nanocomposites and polymer processing. He has been invited to give plenary and keynote presentations around the world, and has been an executive for many national and international organizations including serving as President of the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering.
He is an exceptional instructor adept at explaining difficult and abstract concepts in a manner that makes these accessible to all of his students. He constantly seeks innovative ways to communicate with his students through novel and innovative teaching methods, particularly e-learning and classroom activities. He has won numerous teaching awards including the 3M National Teaching Fellowship (premier post-secondary teaching award in Canada) and the Engineers Canada Medal of Distinction for Engineering Education.