My research interest is spatial data mining and GIS applications. Currently, I am particularly interested in recruiting graduate students in the following directions.

  • Geospatial AI and machine learning
  • Spatial databases and spatial data mining
  • Big spatio-temporal data mining
  • GIS application system development
  • Web and mobile GIS


The students are expected to have a strong background in computer science and/or GIS (Prefer to have a Bachelor degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering or GIS, with strong math and programming skills, and proficiency in English writing). A master student should have a minimum GPA 3.2 on a four-point scale or equivalent. A PhD student should have a minimum GPA 3.5 on a four-point scale or equivalent.  I also expect that my students are motivated, diligent and open-minded.

If you are interested in the opening, please send me your resume, transcripts and TOEFL (if English is your second language.) I will set up an interview with you if you are qualified. Unfortunately, it is impractical  for me to respond to all inquiries if your background does not fit in the graduate opening.