Refereed Journal Papers
- Raei, B., Kinateder, M., Bénichou, N., Gomaa, I., and Wang, X., Are the Data Good Enough? Spatial and Temporal Modelling of Evacuee Behavior Using GPS Data in a Small Rural Community, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 116, January 2025,
- Safardezh, R. and Wang, X., Multi Intention Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Map Matching on Low Sampling Rate Truck GPS Trajectories, International Journal of Geographic Information Science, 1–36.
- Aghazadeh, H., Wang, Y., Sun, S. and Wang, X., Dray-Q: Demand-Dependent Trailer Repositioning using Deep Reinforcement Learning, Transportation Research Part C, 163 (2024) 104641.
- Yang, H., Huang, S., Wang,R., Wang, X., Self-Supervised Pre-Training for 3-D Roof Reconstruction on LiDAR Data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 21: 1-5 (2024).
- Ashena Z., Kabirzadeh, H., Kim J.W., Wang, X., Ali, M. Joint Inversion of Gravity and Magnetic Anomalies to Image Salt-Basement Structures of Offshore Abu Dhabi, UAE using Deep Neural Networks, SPE J. SPE-217982-PA (in press; posted 25 October 2023).
- Ashena Z., Kabirzadeh, H., Kim J.W., Wang, X., Ali, M. A Novel 2.5D Deep Network Inversion of Gravity Anomalies to Estimate Basement Topography, SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering-Formation Evaluation, June 2023.
- Kalantari,S., Ramhormozi, R., Wang, Y., Sun, S., Wang. X., Trailer Allocation and Truck Routing Using Bipartite Graph Assignment and Deep Reinforcement Learning, Transactions in GIS, February 2023.
- Salamati, M., Wang, X., Winter, J., and Zareipour, H., Optimal Routing of Wide Multi-Modal Energy and Infrastructure Corridors, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, August 2022.
- Zhang, X., Gao, Y., Wang, X. and Feng, J., GeoSDVA: A Semi-Supervised Dirichlet Variational Autoencoder Model for Transportation Mode Identification, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, April 2022.
- Qu, B., Mao, L., Xu, Z, and Wang, X.. How Many Vehicles Do We Need? Fleet sizing for Shared Autonomous Vehicles with Ridesharing, IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, November 2021.
- Silva, R., Cui, G., Rahimi, M., and Wang, X., Personalized route recommendation through historical travel behavior analysis, Geoinformatica. November 2021.
- Zeng, F., Wang, X., Extracting Built-Up Land Area of Airports in China Using Sentinel-2 Imagery through Deep Learning, Geocarto International, September 2021.
- Ren, X., Rahimi, M., and Wang, X., Utilization of Real Time Behavior and Geographical Attraction for Location Recommendation, ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems, August 2021.
- Gong, F., Wang, X. and Jiang, J., Fine-grained Attribute Weighted Inverted Specific-Class Distance Measure for Nominal Attributes, Information Science, August 2021.
- Qu, B., Ren, X., Feng, J., Wang, X., A Dynamic Ridesplitting Method with Potential Pick-up Probability Based on GPS Trajectories, IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, July 2021.
- Azad, A.; Wang, X. Land Use Change Ontology and Traffic Prediction through Recurrent Neural Networks: A Case Study in Calgary, Canada. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2021, 10, 358.
- Rahimi, M., Far, B., Wang, X., Contextual Location Recommendation for Location-Based Social Networks by Learning User Intentions and Contextual Triggers, Geoinformatica, June 2021.
- Pinto, H., Wang, X., Gates, I., On the Ratio of Energy Produced to Energy Injected in SAGD: Long-Term Consequences of Early Stage Operational Decisions, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 199, April 2021.
- Yang, C. and Wang, X., A Steam Injection Distribution Optimization Method for SAGD Oil Field Using LSTM and Dynamic Programming, ISA Transactions, April 2021,
- Cui, X., Yang, F., Wang, X., Ai, B., Luo, Y., Ma, D., Deep Learning Model for Seabed Sediment Classification Based on Fuzzy Ranking Feature Optimization, Marine Geology 432, February 2021.
- Cui, G., Bian, W., and Wang, X., Segment-based Hidden Markov Map Matching, Geoinformatica 25, January 2021.
- Azad, A., and Wang, X., Deep Learning Neural Network Approaches to Land Use-Demographic Temporal Based Traffic Prediction, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning: An International Journal, October 2020.
- Hao, Z., Zhou, S., Guan, J., Wang, X., Zhang, J., Learning Causal Structures Based on Divide and Conquer, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, August 2020.
- Gao, Y., Huang, L., Feng, J. and Wang, X., Semantic Trajectory Segmentation Based on Change Point Detection and Ontology, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 34(12) 2020.
- Bian, W., Cui, G., and Wang, X., A Trajectory Collaboration Based Map Matching Approach for Low-Sampling-Rate GPS Trajectories, Sensors, April 2020.
- Pinto, H., Gates, I., Wang, X., Bayesian biclustering by dynamics: Algorithm testing, comparison against random agglomeration, and calculation of application specific prior information, MethodX, April 2020.
- Ren, P., Xiao, Y., Chang, X., Prakash, M., Nie, F., Wang, X., and Chen, X., Structured Optimal Graph Based Clustering with Flexible Embedding, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, I, September 2019.
- Pinto, H., Gates, I., Wang, X., Bayesian Biclustering by Dynamics: A Clustering Algorithm for SAGD Time Series Data, Computers and Geoscience, July 2019.
- Chen, X. Qi, J., Zhu, X., Wang, X., Wang, Z., Unlabelled Text Mining Methods based on Two Extension Models of Concept Lattices, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, June 2019.
- Xu, Z., Cui, G., Zhong M. and Wang, X., Anomaly Urban Mobility Pattern Detection Based on GPS Trajectories and POI data, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, June 2019.
- Rahimi, M., Far, B., Wang, X., Behavior-based Location Recommendation on Location-Based Social Networks, Geoinformatica, March 2019.
- Qu, B., Yang, W., Cui, G., Wang, X., Profitable Taxi Travel Route Recommendation Based on Big Taxi Trajectory Data, IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, January 2019.
- Cha, D., Wang, X., and Kim, J.W., Assessing Lightning and Wildfire Hazard by Land Properties and Cloud to Ground Lightning Data with Association Rule Mining in Alberta, Canada, Sensors, October 2017,17(10), 2413; doi:10.3390/s17102413. (National-wide News Coverage)
- Cui, G., Luo, J., and Wang, X., Personalized Travel Route Recommendation Using Collaborative Filtering Based on GPS Trajectories, International Journal of Digital Earth, May 2017, 11(3), pp. 284-307. doi: 10.1080/17538947.2017.1326535.
- Xiao, Y. Wang, X., Eshragh, F., Chen, X., Fang, D., A Study of Pattern Prediction in the Monitoring Data of Earthen Ruins with the Internet of Things, Sensors, 2017,17(5), 1076; doi:10.3390/s17051076.
- Li, Y., Wei, B., and Wang, X., A Web-based Visual and Analytical Geographical Information System for Oil and Gas Data, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-information, 2017, 6(3), 76; doi:10.3390/ijgi6030076.
- Sun, X. and Wang, X., Geovisualization for Association Rule Mining in CHOPS Well Data, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2017, 6(2), 48; doi:10.3390/ijgi6020048.
- Pinto, H., Wang, X. and Gates, I., Insights on Heat Transfer at the Top of Steam Chambers in SAGD, Journal of Heat Transfer, 139(4), January 2017.
- Zhou, D., Rahimi, S. M., and Wang, X., 2016, Similarity-based Probabilistic Category-Based Location Recommendation Utilizing Temporal and Geographical Influence, International Journal of Data Science and Analysis, Vol. 1, June 2016, pp. 1-11.
- Cui, G., Wang, X., and Kwon, D., A Framework of Boundary Collision Data Aggregation into Neighborhoods, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol.83, October 2015, pp. 1-17.
- Azad, A. and Wang, X., Prediction of Traffic Counts Using Statistical and Neural Network Models. Geomatica special issue, “Advances in Geospatial Statistical Modeling, Analysis, and Data Mining” Vol. 69, No. 3, September 2015.
- Wang, X., Book Review on Geographic Databases and Information Systems by Emmanuel Stefanakis, Geomatica, Dec 2014.
- Cai, Y., Wang, X., Hu, K., and Dong, M., A Data Mining Approach to Finding Relationships between Reservoir Properties and Oil Production for CHOPS, Computers and Geoscience, Vol. 73, December 2014, pp. 37–47.
- Wei, Q., Guan J., Zhou S., and Wang, X., A New and Effective Approach to GML Documents Compression, The Computer Journal, Vol. 57, No. 11, November 2014, pp.1723-1740.
- Wang, B.J., Wang, X., and Chen, Z.X., A Hybrid Framework for Reservoir Characterization Using Fuzzy Ranking and an Artificial Neural Network. Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 57, August 2013, pp. 1–10.
- Wang, B.J., Wang, X., and Chen, Z.X., Spatial Entropy based Mutual Information in Hyperspectral Band Selection for Supervised Classification. International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2012, pp.181-192.
- Gu, W. and Wang, X, An Interactive Geospatial Analysis Platform for Facility Location Decision-Making, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2012, pp.217-231.
- Wang, X., Rostoker, C., and Hamilton, H., A Density-Based Spatial Clustering for Physical Constraints, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. Vol. 38, No.1, 2012, pp. 269-297.
- Wang, F., Hasbani, J., Wang, X. and Marceau, D.J., Identifying Dominant Factors for Calibrating a Land-Use Cellular Automata Model Using Rough Set Theory, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Vol. 35, No. 2, 2011, pp.116-125.
- Hassan, Q., Ali A., Sekhon, N., Wang, X., Analysis of Wind Power Potentials at Selected Airport Locations in Canada, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol.9, No.2, 2011, pp. 150 - 162.
- Assilzadeh, H., Levy, J.K. and Wang, X., Landslide Catastrophes and Disaster Risk Reduction: A GIS Framework for Landslide Prevention and Management, Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, No. 9, 2010, pp. 2259-2273.
- Wang, X., Gu, W., Ziebelin, D., Hamilton, H., An Ontology-Based Framework for Geospatial Clustering, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Vol. 24, No. 1, November 2010, pp. 1601 - 1630.
- Wang, X. and Wang, J., Using Clustering Methods in Geospatial Information Systems, Geomatica, Vol. 64, No. 3, 2010, pp. 347-361.
- Gu, W., Wang, X., and McGregor, S.E., Optimization of Preventive Health Care Facility Locations, International Journal of Health Geographics, Vol. 9, No. 17, 2010.
- Assilzadeh, H., Levy, J.K., Wang, X., Gao, Y and Zhong, Z., Geosensing Systems Engineering for Ocean Security and Sustainable Coastal Zone Management, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2010, pp.22-35.
- Wang, X., and Hamilton, H.J., Clustering Spatial Data in the Presence of Obstacles, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Vol. 14, Nos. 1-2 (February & April), 2005, pp. 177-198.
- Wang, X., Yang, G., and Zhu, S., Towards a Metrics Suite for Software Component, Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, Vol. 26, No.5, 2000, pp. 543-547.
- Wang, X., Shen, B., and Lou, S., The Design and Implementation of C++ Metrics Tool, Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, Vol. 26, No. 5, 2000, pp. 556-560.
- Wang, X., CORBA & Distributed Object Technique, Computer Engineering, Vol.23, 1997, pp.245-248.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Kumar, M., Narayana S., Bao, Y., Wang, X., and Drew, S., Energy-efficient Federated Learning with Dynamic Model Size Allocation, IEEE International Conference on Big Data, December 15-18, 2024, Washington DC, USA.
- Mozhdehi, A., Mohammadizadeh M., Wang, Y., Sun, S., and Wang, X., EFECTIW-ROTER: Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Solving Heterogeneous Fleet and Demand Vehicle Routing Problem With Time-Window Constraints, The 32nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2022), Atlanta, GA, USA, October 29 - November 1, 2024.
- Kalantari, S., Wang, Y., Sun, S., and Wang, X., FleetWiz: An Intelligent Platform for Spatio-Temporal Multi-Resource Truckload Fleet Dispatching, The 32nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2022), Atlanta, GA, USA, October 29 - November 1, 2024.
- Kim, B., Mozhdehi, A., Wang, Y., Sun, S. and Wang, X., Clustering-Based Enhanced Ant Colony Optimization for MultiTrip Vehicle Routing Problem with Heterogeneous Fleet and Time Windows: An Industrial Case Study, In The 17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (IWCTS ’24), Atlanta, GA, USA, October 29, 2024.
- Jakhotiya, S., Sen, A., Safarzadeh, R. and Wang, X., Smart Route: A GIS-Based Solution for Mass Transit Design and Optimization, The 2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Advances in Urban-AI (UrbanAI'24), Atlanta, GA, USA, October 29, 2024.
- Raei, B., Kinateder, M., Bénichou, N., Gomaa, I., and Wang, X., Spatial and Temporal Modeling of Evacuee Behavior Using GPS Data in a Small Rural Community, Wildland Fire Canada Conference, October 28–November 1, 2024, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
- Jiang, Z., Huang, I., Wang, X., Utilizing Large Language Models for Indoor Tour Guidance, The 4th ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Deep Learning for Spatiotemporal Data, Applications, and Systems, Barcelona, Spain, Aug 26, 2024.
- Abbasi, A., Dong, F., Wang, X., Leung, H., Zhou, J., Drew, S.. FedGreen: Carbon-aware Federated Learning with Model Size Adaptation". IEEE ICC 2024 Third International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Networking (GreenNet'24). Denver, CO, USA. 2024.
- Dong, F.. Abbasi, A., Leung, H., Wang, X., Zhou, J., Drew, S. "Federated Learning Model Aggregation in Heterogenous Aerial and Space Networks". IEEE ICC 2024 Workshop on Emerging Technologies in Aerial and Space Networks (ETASN'24). Denver, CO, USA. 2024.
- Mozhdehi, A., Mohammadizadeh M., and Wang, X., Edge-DIRECT: A Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Method for Solving Heterogeneous Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Window Constraints, The 37th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI2024, Guelph, Canada, May 27-31, 2024.
- Bao, Y., Drew, S., Wang, X., Zhou, J., Niu, X., Federated Learning with Client Availability Budgets, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2023), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 4 -8, 2023.
- Aghazadeh, H. and Wang, X., Reinforcement Learning for Intermodal Transportation Planning with Time Windows and Limited Cargo Capacity, In The 16th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (IWCTS ’23), November 13, 2023, Hamburg, Germany.
- Bao, Y., Drew, S., Wang, X., Zhou, J., Niu, X., Federated Learning with Client Availability Budgets, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2023), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 4 -8, 2023.
- Ramhormozi, R., Wang, Y., Sun, S., and Wang, X., An Interactive Map-based System for Visually Exploring Goods Movement based on GPS Traces, The 18th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD 2023), Calgary, AB, Canada, August 23-25, 2023.
- Niu, P., Qu, B., Feng, J., and Wang, X., Utilization of Spatio-Temporal and Social Information for POI Group Recommendation, The 24th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2023), Singapore, July 3 - July 6, 2023.
- Mohammadizadeh M., Mozhdehi, A., Ioannou, Y., and Wang, X., Meta-GCN: A Dynamically Weighted Loss Minimization Method for Dealing with the Data Imbalance in Graph Neural Networks, The 36th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Montreal, Canada, June 5-9, 2023.
- Han, J., Mozhdehi, A., Wang, Y., Sun S., and Wang, X., Solving a Multi-Trip VRP with Real Heterogeneous Fleet and Time Windows Based on Ant Colony Optimization: An Industrial Case Study. In The 15th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (IWCTS ’22), November 1, 2022, Seattle, WA, USA.
- Ramhormozi, R., Mozhdehi, A., Kalantari, S., Wang, Y., Sun, S., and Wang, X., Multi-Task Graph Neural Network for Truck Speed Prediction Under Extreme Weather Conditions, The 30th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2022), Seattle, Washington, USA, November 1 - 4, 2022.
- Qu, B., Zhao, M., Feng, J., and Wang, X., Adapting GPS Sampling Interval for Mobile Devices Using Deep Reinforcement Learning, The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, June 6 – 9, 2022.
- Ashena, Z. B., Jeong, D., Kabirzadeh, H., Wang, X., Kim, J.W., Clustering Analysis of a Geophysical Database for Delineating Regions of Higher Potential for Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Geoconvention 2020, Calgary, Canada, May 11-13, 2020.
- Silva, R., Cui, G., Rahimi, S. M., and Wang, X., BR²: A Travel Behavioral Approach to Personalized Route Recommendation based on GPS Trajectories, The 3rd International Workshop on Big Mobility Data Analytics (BMDA 2020) Held in conjunction with The 23rd International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EBDT), Copenhagen, Denmark, 30th March-2nd April, 2020.
- Bagheri, Z., Wang, X., Ali, M., Lee, G., and Kim, J., Artificial Intelligence Analysis of a Multi-parameter Geophysical Database for the Abu Dhabi Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 11-14, 2019.
- Rahimi, S.M., Silva, R., Far, B., and Wang, X., Optimized Random Walk with Restart for Recommendation Systems, The 32nd Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Kingston, Ontario, May 28-31, 2019.
- Xiao, Y., Ren, P., Li, Z., Chen, X., Wang, X., Fang, D., RS3CIS: Robust Single-Step Spectral Clustering with Intrinsic Subspace, The 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, January 27 – February 1, 2019.
- Zhang, H., Zhou, S, Yan, C., Guan, J., and Wang, X., Recursively Learning Causal Structures Using Regression-based Conditional Independence Test, The 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, January 27 – February 1, 2019.
- Peng, Z., Xiao, Y., Xu, P., Guo, J., Chen, X., and Wang, X., Robust Auto-Weighted Multi-View Clustering, The 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’18), Stockholm, Sweden, July 13-19, 2018.
- Wang, X. and Gu, W., Using Ontology and Cluster Ensembles for Geospatial Clustering Analysis, 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Liverpool, UK, August 7-10, 2017.
- Cui, G. and Wang, X., MaP2R: A Personalized Maximum Probability Route Recommendation Method Using GPS Trajectories, The 21st Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD2017), Jeju Island, Korea, May 23-26, 2017.
- Rahimi, S.M., Wang, X., and Far, B., Behavior-based Location Recommendation on Location-Based Social Networks, The 21st Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD2017), Jeju Island, Korea, May 23-26, 2017.
- Cui, G., Ma, C., and Wang, X., Sequence-based Bidirectional Merge Map-Matching Algorithm for Simplified Road Network, The 30th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Edmonton, Alberta, May 16-19, 2017.
- Xiao Y., Wang, X.H., Wang, X. Xu , Chen X., Fang, D., Liu, B., A Data Cleaning Method and Its Application for Earthen Site Data Monitored by WSN, The 7th Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition, Chengdu, China, November 5-7, 2016.
- Wei, B., Pinto, H., and Wang, X., A Symbolic Tree Model for Oil and Gas Production Prediction Using Time-Series Production Data, The 2016 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA2016), Montreal, Canada, 17-19 October, 2016.
- Yang, W., Wang, X. Rahimi, S.M., Luo, J., Recommending Profitable Taxi Travel Routes based on Big Taxi Trajectories Data, The 19th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD2015), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 19-22 May, 2015.
- Wei, B., Silva, R., Wang, X.: A Web-Based Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) Data Visualization and Analytical System. The 14th International Symposium on Web and Wireless GIS (W2GIS 2015), Grenoble, France, 21-22 May, 2015.
- Zhou, D., and Wang, X., Probabilistic Category-based Location Recommendation Utilizing Temporal Influence and Geographical Influence, 2014 International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), Shanghai, China, October 30-November 1, 2014.
- Kiavarz Moghaddam. H, Wang, X., Vehicle Accident Severity Rules Mining Using Fuzzy Granular Decision Tree. The 9th International Conference of Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing (RSCTC), Granada and Madrid, Spain, July 9-13, 2014.
- Zhang, F., Luo, J., Li, C., Wang, X., and Zhao, Z., Detecting and Analyzing Influenza Epidemics with Social Media in China, The 18th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2014), Tainan, Taiwan, May 13-16, 2014.
- Gu, W., Zhang, Z., Wang, B., Wang, X., Use of Ontology and Cluster Ensembles for Geospatial Clustering Analysis, The 27th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI 2014). Montreal, QC, Canada, May 6 -9, 2014.
- Qiu, J., Wang, R., and Wang, X., Inferring Road Maps from Sparsely-Sampled GPS Traces, The 27th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI 2014). Montreal, QC, Canada, May 6 -9, 2014.
- Cui, G., Wang, X., and Kwon, D. W., A Kernel Density Method for Aggregating Boundary Collision Data into Areal Units, The Third International Workshop on Spatial Information Modeling, Management and Mining (SIM3-2014), Held in conjunction with The 19th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2014), Bali, Indonesia, 21-24 April 2014.
- Huang, X., Luo, J., Wang, X., Finding Frequent Sub-trajectories with Time Constraints, The 2nd ACM SIGKDD International Workshop on Urban Computing (UrbComp 2013), Held in conjunction with the 19th ACM SIGKDD 2013, Chicago, August 11, 2013.
- Rahimi, S.M., and Wang, X., Location Recommendation Based on Periodicity of Human Movement and Location Categories, The 17th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2013), Gold coast, Australia, 14-17 April 2013.
- Guo, Q., Luo, J., Li, J., Wang, X., Geroliminis,N., A Data-driven Approach for Convergence Prediction on Road Network, The 12th International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS 2013), Banff, Alberta, Canada, 4‐5 April 2013.
- Cui, G. and Wang, X., A Preliminary Study Using Granular Computing for Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Involving Roughness, The 2012 International Conference on Brain Informatics (BI'12), Macau, China, December 4 -7, 2012.
- Wang, J., Wang, X., A Spatial Clustering Method for Points-with-Directions. The 7th International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology (RSKT 2012), Chengdu, China, August17-20 2012, pp.194 - 199.
- Zhou, D., Wang, B., Rahimi, S. M., Wang, X., A Study of Recommending Locations on Location-based Social Network by Collaborative Filtering. The 25th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI 2012).Toronto, ON, Canada, May 28 - 30, 2012, pp.255- 266.
- Wang, B., Rahimi, M., Zhou, D., and Wang, X., Expectation-Maximization Collaborative Filtering with Explicit and Implicit Feedback, The 16th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2012), Springer LNCS, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 29 - Jun 1, 2012, pp.604-616.
- Baek, J., Kim, J.W., Wang, X., D.C. Lee, Lightning Hazard Evaluation by Integrating Surface Electromagnetic and Physical Properties. SPIE 2011 Remote Sensing International Symposium, September 2011, Prague, Czech, Proc. SPIE 8181, 818116, DOI: 10.1117/12.899357, Sept 2011.
- Wang, J. and Wang, X., An Ontology-based Traffic Accident Risk Mapping Framework, The International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases 2011 (SSTD 2011), Minneapolis, MN, USA, Aug 2011, pp. 21-38.
- Cai, Y., Wang, X., Hu, K., A Study of Finding Relationships between Reservoir Properties and Oil Productivity for the Cold Production The 19th International Conference on GeoInformatics, Shanghai, China, Jun 2011.
- Gu, W., Wang, B.J., and Wang, X., An Integrated Approach to Multi-Criteria-based Health Care Facility Location Planning. The 2nd Workshop on Data Mining for Healthcare Management (DMHM 2011), Springer LNCS, ShenZhen, China, May 24, 2011, pp. 420-430.
- Wang, B. and Wang, X., Spatial Entropy-based Clustering for Mining Data with Spatial Correlation. The 15th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2011), Springer LNCS, ShenZhen, China, May 24-27, 2011, pp. 196-208.
- Gu, W., and Wang, X.: Studies on the Performance of a Heuristic Algorithm for Static and Transportation Facility Location Allocation Problem. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on High Performance Computing and Application (HPCA 2009), Springer LNCS, Shanghai, China, Aug 2009, pp.27-37.
- Gu, W., Wang, X., Geng, L., GIS-FLSolution: A Spatial Analysis Platform for Static and Transportation Facility Location Allocation Problem. Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS'09), Springer LNCS, Prague, Czech Republic, Sept 2009, pp.453-462.
- Geng, L., Buffett S., Hamilton B., Wang, X., Korba, L., Liu, H., and Wang, Y., Discovering Structured Event Logs from Unstructured Audit Trails for Workflow Mining. Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS'09), Springer LNCS, Prague, Czech Republic, Sept 2009, pp.442-452.
- Gu, W., Wang, X., Geng, L., STFLS: A Heuristic Method for Static and Transportation Facility Location Allocation in Large Spatial Datasets. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference (CAI 2009), Springer LNCS, Kelowna, Canada. May 25-27, 2009. pp.211-214.
- Gu, W., Wang, X., Ziébelin, D., An Ontology-Based Spatial Clustering Selection System. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference (CAI 2009), Springer LNCS, Kelowna, Canada. May 25-27, 2009. pp. 215-218.
- Geng, L., Korba, L., Wang, X., Wang, Y., and Liu H., Using Data Mining Methods to Predict Personally Identifiable Information in Emails, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA 2008), Springer LNCS, Chengdu, China, Oct 8-10, 2008, pp.272-281.
- Geng, L., Wang, H., Wang, X., Korba, L., Adapting LDA Model to Discover Author-Topic Relations for Email Analysis, Proceeding of the Tenth International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK 2008), Springer LNCS, Turin, Italy, Sept 2008, pp.337-346. (Best Paper Award)
- Wang, X., and Hamilton, H.J., Using Clustering Methods in Geospatial Information Systems, Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Geoinformatics (Geoinformatics 2008), SPIE, Guangzhou, China, Jun 2008.
- Cao, H., Wang, X., and Chen, J., Design of an Extended Qualitative Cardinal Direction Model Based on Ontology, Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Geoinformatics (Geoinformatics 2008), SPIE, Guangzhou, China, Jun 2008.
- Geng, L., Korba, L., Wang, Y., Wang, X., You, Y., Finding Topics in Email Using Formal Concept Analysis and Fuzzy Membership Functions, Proceedings of the Twenty-First Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI 2008). Springer LNCS, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. May 28-30, 2008.
- Wang, X., and Hamilton, H.J., Towards An Ontology-Based Spatial Clustering Framework, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference (AI 2005), Springer LNCS, Victoria, Canada, May 2005, pp. 205-216.
- Wang, X., and Hamilton, H.J., A Comparative Study of Two Density-Based Spatial Clustering Algorithms for Very Large Datasets, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference (AI 2005), Springer LNCS, Victoria, Canada, May 2005, pp. 120-132.
- Wang, X., Rostoker, C., and Hamilton, H.J., Density-Based Spatial Clustering in the Presence of Obstacles and Facilitators, Proceedings of the Eighth European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD 2004), Springer LNCS, Pisa, Italy, Sept 2004, pp. 446-458.
- Wang, X., and Hamilton, H.J., Density-Based Spatial Clustering in the Presence of Obstacles, Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS 2004), Miami, FL, May 2004, pp. 312-317.
- Wang, X., and Hamilton, H.J., DBRS: A Density-Based Spatial Clustering Method with Random Sampling, Proceedings of the Seventh Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2003), Springer LNCS, Seoul, South Korea, April/May 2003, pp. 563-575.
- Wang, X., Chan, C.W., and Hamilton, H.J., Design of Knowledge-Based Systems with the Ontology-Domain-System Approach, Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2002), Ischia, Italy, July 2002, pp. 233-236.
- Wang, X., Hamilton, H.J., and Chan, C.W., Design of a Knowledge-Based System with a UML-Based Ontology Model, The Seventh International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR2002) Young Researchers Workshop, Austin, April 2002.
- Wang, X., and Chan, C.W., Ontology Modeling Using UML, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Object Oriented Information Systems (OOIS 2001), Calgary, Canada, Aug 2001, pp. 59-70.
- Xia Y., Wang, X., and Song, G., A Formal Concurrent Engineering-Oriented Object Relation Model of Analysis and Design of Information System, Proceedings of National Conference of Young Computer Scientist '98 (NCYCS 1998), Shanghai, China, October 1998. (in Chinese)
- Hua, Q., Ge, W., Yu, B., and Wang, X., OOIGT: An Object-Oriented Interactive Graphics Toolkit, Proceedings of International Symposium on Future Software Technology’96 (ISFST 1996), Xi'an, China, Oct 1996, pp. 11-17.
- Wang, X., and Hua, Q., The Design and Implementation of A New User Interface Model, The Progress of Software Engineering Technology, Methods and Practice, Tsinghua University Press, Zhejiang, China, Jun 1996, pp. 382-386. (in Chinese).
Edited Books
- Guan, J., Wang, X., Zhou. S., (Eds.), Spatial Data Modelling, Management and Mining, Special Issue of International Journal of Data Mining, Modeling and Management, Vol.6, No. 4, Inderscience Enterprises, 2014.
- Liang, S., Wang, X., Claramunt, C. (Eds.), Web and wireless geographical information systems, W2GIS2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7820, Springer, 2013.
- Peters, J. F., Skowron, A., Ramanna, S., Suraj, Z., Wang, X. (Eds.): Transactions on Rough Sets XVI. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7736, Springer, 2013.
Referred Book Chapters
- Wang, J., Wang, X., and Liang, S.H.L. "GeoClustering: A Web Service for Geospatial Clustering", chapter in Li Songnian, S. Dragicevic and B. Veenendaal (eds), Advances in Web-based GIS, Mapping Services and Applications, Taylor and Francis, London, 2011.
Referred Workshop Papers and Abstracts
- Azad, A. and Wang, X., Boundary Effects in Developing Neighborhood-Level Traffic Accident Prediction Models: A Case Study of City of Edmonton, Canada, The International Forum on Traffic Records and Highway Safety Information Systems, Edmonton, Canada, May 2, 2013.
- Wang, J., Azad, A. and Wang, X., GIS Based Traffic Accident Risk Mapping Framework: A Case Study in Downtown, Calgary, Canada, The International Forum on Traffic Records and Highway Safety Information Systems, Edmonton, Canada, May 2, 92013.
- Cai, Y., Hu, K., and Wang, X., Finding Relationships between Reservoir Characteristics and Oil Production for the Cold Production, The 32nd Annual Symposium & Workshop of IEA Collaborative Project on Enhanced Oil Recovery. Vienna, Austria, Oct 2011.
- Wang, F., Hasbani, J., Wang, X., and Marceau, D.J., Identifying Dominant Factors for Calibrating a Land-Use Cellular Automata Model Using Rough Set Theory, The Third ICA Workshop on Geospatial Analysis and Modeling. Gävle, Sweden, Aug 2009.
- Baek, J., Kim, J.W., Wang, X. G. J., Jeon, J.S., Electromagnetic Land Surface Classification by Integrated Multi-Spectral and Polarized Radar Remote Sensing Data, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(22), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract CG11A-02. AGU/CGU, Toronto, Canada, May 2009.
- Gu, W., and Wang, X., An Efficient Method For Two Types Of Facility Location Allocation in Large Spatial Datasets, Spatial Knowledge and Information, Fernie, Canada, Feb 2009.
- Gu, W., and Wang, X., An Ontology-Based Spatial Clustering Reasoning System, Spatial Knowledge and Information, Fernie, Canada, Feb 2009.
- Wang, X. Using An Ontology-based Approach for Geospatial Clustering Analysis, The First International Workshop on Information Semantics and its Implications for Geographic Analysis (ISGA '08). Park City, Utah, Sept 2008.
Technical Reports
- Wang, X., Hamilton, H.J., and Bither, Y., An Ontology-Based Approach to Data Cleaning, Tech. Report CS-2005-05, Department of Computer Science, University of Regina, July 2005, 15 pages, ISBN 0-7731-0533-6.
- Wang, X., Rostoker, C., and Hamilton, H.J., Density-Based Spatial Clustering in the Presence of Obstacles and Facilitators, Tech. Report CS-2004-09, Department of Computer Science, University of Regina, June 2004, 16 pages, ISBN 07731-0490-9.
- Wang, X., and Hamilton, H.J., ObGen and SynGeoDataGen: Data Generators for Obstacle-Facilitator-Constrained Clustering, Tech. Report CS-2004-08, Department of Computer Science, University of Regina, June 2004, 9 pages, ISBN 0-7731-0489-5.
- Wang, X., and Hamilton, H.J., DBRS: A Density-Based Spatial Clustering Method with Random Sampling, Tech. Report CS-2003-13, Department of Computer Science, University of Regina, November 2003, 25 pages, ISBN 0-7731-0465-8.
Supplementary material
- Gu, W., Wang, X., Geng, L., Supplementary material to An Ontological Geospatial Clustering Ensemble Approach.
Map & Poster
- Wang, J. and Wang, X., A Traffic Accident Risk Mapping System, 2011 GeoAlberta Conference Map Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2011. (Second Prize, Student Category)