Science B

Science B

Address: 834 Campus Place NW   
Building abbreviation: SB
Building number: 3

The Department of Physics and Astronomy has evolved into one of the best research departments in Canada; it has an international reputation in space physics and astrophysics. The undergraduate and graduate teaching program provides rigorous training to forge a career at the forefront of innovation and discovery of the universe.

Department of Physics and Astronomy

Science B Closure April 28 - May 28

The Science B building will be closed from April 28 – May 28, 2023, to undergo a High Voltage Upgrade. This upgrade is to replace the original electrical system that was installed when the building was first built in 1965. The original system is old with no safeguards or redundancies, and its replacement parts are no longer being manufactured. The High Voltage Upgrade is a preventative measure against what could be a costly and time-consuming electrical system failure. During the closure, there will be no access to Science B from any of the attached buildings, hallways, or external doors. 

The date of the closure was chosen to minimize the impact on students, faculty and staff while reducing the likelihood of building damage during shutdowns due to extreme temperatures. Winter-semester exams are over, which reduces the number of students and faculty on campus, and extreme temperatures that would cause serious damage to a shutdown building, (for example, frozen pipes), are less likely in May. 

During the closure, hoarding walls will block access to the building, and all electronic access with keycards will be disabled. During the shutdown, emergency power and life-safety-based systems will remain operational.

UCalgary is committed to keeping its campus community safe.

UCalgary community members will need to follow directional signage and take detours around the closure for their own safety. This includes the connecting hallways from Science Theatres to Science B and from Science B to MacEwan Student Centre. Access to ICT and the chemical stores area will be open and accessible from the Earth Sciences corridor.

If you have any questions or concerns or would like more information, please email  

What's inside?

Department of Physics and Astronomy, main office

Sustainability Resource Centre

Faculty of Science Undergraduate Advising Office

Science B

Building Construction

Start/Completion Date

September 1965

Main Contractor

Foundation Company, Bird Construction

Lead Consultants

Architect: Alberta Dept. of Public Works
Structural: Alberta Dept. of Public Works
Mechanical: Alberta Dept. of Public Works
Electrical: Alberta Dept. of Public Works