site visits, cross-sections, plan drawings, and perspective sketches were used to illustrate typical streets in Parkdale.

Type A:   Private Roads
This private road in Parkdale consists of townhouses at a density above that of the rest of the community.  The curving pattern of these streets limits permeability, while shallow setbacks and absence of sidewalks slow traffic velocity.  Although the private road is a high quality streetscape design, it remains isolated from the surrounding community.


                View north on private road off Point Drive N.W.                                                  Plan View


Type B:   Transition
This transition street features new townhouses on the west and older brick homes on the east side.  This defines the border between original and modern Parkdale.  37th Street N.W. provides access to the river and across Bowness Road to the north.  Varied housing stock and setbacks add character to this riverfront zone.

               View South on 37th Street N.W.                                                                        Plan View

Type C:   High Density Towers
A 20 story residential Tower with mixed use facilities at ground level is located in a park between the Bow River and a busy street.  This development does not integrate well with Parkdale or the riverfront due to its imposing scale.

                 View east along river pathway system                                                   Plan View


Type D:   Residential Grid
A significant portion of Parkdale is defined by the residential grid.  A legible street pattern is well defined by street trees and uniform setbacks.  Lot layout is traditional with fenced yards backing onto alleys.  There is a clear division between public and private space within the residential grid.  Continuity of form contributes to the community's sense of place (although some infill homes are being constructed with larger massing than the surrounding bungalows).

               View east on 6th Avenue N.W.                                                                  Plan View


Type E:   High Traffic Edge
Fast moving traffic on Parkdale Blvd. N.W. dominates this streetscape.  There are few pedestrian crossings, limiting access to the Bow River and pathway system.  Properties on the north side of the street are of varied lot width and building size due to subdivision and infill development.  The bike and pedestrian pathway system on the south side of the street provide an alternate route to access Parkdale and downtown Calgary.

           View west on Parkdale Blvd. N.W.                                                              Plan View


Type F:   Residential Park
This street type is defined as a community park and recreation area set within the grid pattern.  Uniform house size and style are situated on this quiet non-through street.  The nearby escarpment and hospital define the edge of Parkdale and provide orientation.  Unfortunately, the large and permeable open space on the west side of the street is generally unused.

                View north on 34th Street N.W.                                                                       Plan View

Analysis by:   Lisa Poitras and Tim Blair                                        Faculty of Environmental Design                                                                EVDP636  2001
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