The study area ...

Our group consisted of 5 first year Planning students in the Faculty of Environmental Design.  We are ...

Kevin Barton
Tim Blair
Carmen Bohn
Allison Kolody
Lisa Poitras

What is typology?

Typology is the characteristics of streets, lots, and neighbourhood blocks.  It influences the the structure, use, density, and versatility of a place. Typology studies the building blocks of the neighbourhood.

What is the difference between street and building typology?

Street typology examines various street profiles in the neighbourhood. We then analyse the profiles in terms of urban quality.
Building typology examines distinctive block/lot/building combinations.  They can be considered thematic elements of the neighbourhood.  We studied both residential and commercial building types.

What is 'typical' and 'atypical' in Parkdale?

In terms of street types, we found there were six ...  Lisa and Tim would like to share their findings with you in more detail ...

Residential building types were focused largely on the single-family bungalow style of home.  We found that most of the housing in Parkdale could be found on a 50' lot (15m) lot. For more information on residential typologies, click on Allison and
Carmen's great big link!

The four major commercial areas of the community were inventoried and studied. The commercial sites mainly serve local and regional (city-wide) needs.

What are some of the relevant planning issues as they relate to the typologies that we studied?

In brief, we believe that the issues of infill housing and densification, sense of place, and scale of development were some of the primary considerations in Parkdale.

How do each of the typologies relate to one another?

We see the three typologies we studied as a relatively linear progression from the building blocks (housing and commercial) to the way they are laid out in the neighbourhood (streets).

Streets       Housing          Commercial