BioXAS Laboratory

Thanks to our funding institutions (Canadian Foundation for Innovations (CFI), NSERC, Alberta Science and Research Investments Program (ASRIP) and University of Calgary), the BioXAS laboratory is well equipped.

     The “wet lab” in Science B (Room 212), provides access to a glove box, two hoods and two Schlenk lines.

     The “instrument lab” in Science B (Room 046) is the house for our UV-Vis. (Varian CARY 300), FT-IR (Bruker VERTEX 70), FT-Raman (Bruker RAM II), IR microscope (Bruker HYPERION II), Raman microscope (Bruker SENTERRA) and TG- DTA- DSC (Netzsch STA 409) instruments.

      We perform our X-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL, US), Photon Factory (PF, Japan), and the Canadian Light Source (CLS).