Sunrise Healing Lodge

Women's Resource Database

Sunrise Healing Lodge

Telephone: 403-410-1111


1231 34 Ave NE

Calgary, AB T2E 6N4

Visit the Sunrise Healing Lodge website


Providing addictions treatment through Indigenous Culture and the 12 step program of recovery to people from all walks of life. Sunrise offers a true zero-barrier OUTPATIENT PROGRAM of it's kind in Calgary


  • Eagle Circle Group for Women: a 16-week series for women from all cultural backgrounds who want to learn about the roots of aggressive behaviour and how to express anger in a healthy way 
  • Crow Group for Men: a 16-week program is for men from all cultural backgrounds who have experienced abusive acting-out of their angry feelings upon their partners — whether it is spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical 
  • Residential programs for adults who are recovering from addictions
  • Crisis intervention, assessment, counselling
  • Information and referrals
  • Evening programs to address family violence issues
  • Education and prevention programs for community groups and organizations
  • Living through recovery treatment: for those who have completed a drug and alcohol treatment program