Charlie Libre

Excellence in Leadership 2024

Sheila O'Brien Award recipient


Charlie Libre is a Bachelor of Arts student, majoring in Gender and Sexuality Studies and receiving a minor in Sociology. His leadership has made a significant impact on the Women’s Resource Centre (WRC) volunteers and the broader community of people who access its services.

Charlie became involved with the WRC through a Gender and Sexuality Studies community engagement practicum. Since then, he has served in different roles throughout the years. He first joined the Community Outreach and Peer Support team (COPS), where he honed his helping skills to better support the campus community. The following term, he moved on to the Events and Volunteer Engagement team (EVE) and assumed the role of team lead, a position he has held for two years. Throughout his time, Charlie has led and supported volunteers with events, shared his passion for social justice, and cultivated hope for a feminist future. His interest in community building within the volunteer space is evident in his care and encouragement of others to share their ideas and work collaboratively. Charlie has contributed to a bond and common intention among volunteers.

Fellow peer helpers applaud Charlie’s ability to listen and love others freely. “Charlie is a great listener, he loves others, their ideas, and contexts sincerely. He creates an energy around him that is welcoming, familiar, and supportive”. Charlie makes others feel at ease, providing guidance and feedback focused on holistic growth. He is unafraid to publicly check his biases, which creates a safe environment for others to do the same. His energy and charisma for the projects at the Centre are contagious to those around him. With Charlie as a leader, envisioning a better, more inclusive future feels possible. Charlie’s magnitude, paired with his carefulness and diligence for the work are the building blocks of his leadership style.

Outside of the University, Charlie enjoys volunteering with multiple community-based organizations, hoping to help people strengthen relationships and spend time together. He sees the connections between feminist praxis at the WRC and community building outside his studies. In his free time, Charlie enjoys reading, being outside, bird watching, and gardening.