Social Sciences

Report Misconduct

The Student Conduct Office investigates and adjudicates alleged student misconduct that violates the Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy, the Harassment Policy and/or the Sexual Violence Policy.

Reporting Concerning Online Behaviour

With the move to virtual classrooms, our office is aware that community members are witnessing some concerning behaviour online. Visit our page on student conduct in the virtual classroom to learn more about the University’s expectations. Instructors can also report concerning online behaviour through the form below.

Submit a Report of Concerning Online Behaviour »

Reporting Academic Misconduct

While the Student Conduct Office does not address violations of the Student Academic Misconduct Policy, you may use the Academic Misconduct Reporting Form if you believe a student has or plans to violate UCalgary's Academic Misconduct Policy.

For more information on academic misconduct, please visit the Student Success Centre’s Academic Integrity webpage.

Reporting Student Non-Academic Misconduct

Information provided in reports, including the name of the person reporting, may be provided to the student against whom the allegation is made. Submission of a false or frivolous report may result in disciplinary action.

If you have any questions, please contact the Student Conduct Office (403.210.6300) or Campus Security (403.220.5333).

Report Non-Academic Misconduct »

Who can report an incident?

Any member of the university community (student, staff and faculty) who has observed, or been subject to, an alleged incident of Student Non-Academic Misconduct can report an incident.


After reporting - our next steps

When you report an alleged incident of Student Non-Academic Misconduct, there are a few possible courses of action:

Notifiy the complainant

The Student Conduct Office will notify the complainant within ten business days of receipt of a complaint as to the status of the complaint (see 4.6 of the Student Non-Academic Misconduct Procedures)

Discuss the concern

If the complaint does not constitute misconduct as outlined in the Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy or the relevant university policy, a staff member from the Student Conduct Office will discuss the concern with the complainant, including determining if possible solutions exist outside of the Student Non-Academic Misconduct Procedure

Proceed to the investigation

If the complaint proceeds to investigation and hearing, the respondent will be provided a written Notice of Hearing that outlines all evidence to be discussed, and will be invited to attend a hearing to respond to the allegation.

Do you have questions or comments regarding the Non-Academic Misconduct Policy? Contact Us