Research Training
About Our Research Training
Major participating academic programs at The University of Calgary include the Departments of Clinical Neurosciences, Psychology, Psychiatry and Radiology. Very strong and productive connections also exist with the Hotchkiss Brain Institute and with research trainee programs in Biomedical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Medical Science, Neuroscience, and Physics and Astronomy, and with the research fellowship programs in Neuroradiology and the Calgary Stroke Program.
Since 1999, more than 12 students have been awarded PhD degrees and over 25 students have been awarded MSc degrees for research conducted in the Centre. Further, over 35 medical students and residents, and clinical/research and research fellows have received advanced training in imaging research. Our ‘graduates' are now establishing themselves in successful careers in academia and industry in Canada, the United States, Africa, Asia and Asia. The majority of our research outputs (peer-reviewed papers, editorials, presentations at meetings) reflect the hard work of our trainees. Many of our trainees have also won significant awards for their research.