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Awards and Financial Assistance for Graduate Students
Tuition and General Fees
Academic Regulations
D.1 Registration
D.2 Transfer Credit
D.3 Student Status
D.4 Program Transfers
D.5 Withdrawals
D.6 Time Limits
D.7 Leave of Absence
E. Combined Degrees
F. Interdisciplinary Degrees
G. Internships
H. Academic Standing
I. Language
J. Supervision
K. Candidacy
L. Theses
M. Thesis Examinations
N. Graduation
O. Appeals
P. Integrity and Conduct
Q. Free Expression
R. Time Off From Studies
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About the University of Calgary
Graduate Studies Calendar 2023-2024 Academic Regulations D.3 Student Status
D.3 Student Status
D.3.1 Thesis-Based Programs

Students registered in thesis-based master’s and doctoral programs will be considered full-time unless their program formally offers a part-time option, as noted in the program’s calendar entry.

Thesis-based students who wish to change their registration status (from full-time to part-time, or vice versa) require program approval. A change from full-time to part-time registration status in a thesis-based program must be renewed each year. A change from part-time to full-time status will require program confirmation of satisfactory progress for full-time registration. The implications of changes of registration status on general fees assessments are outlined in section P.2.5. Change from full- to part-time status may have an impact on guaranteed funding. Full-time registration in PhD and thesis-based master's programs is not compatible with full-time employment. Students enrolled full-time in these programs must devote sufficient time and effort to maintain progress and meet milestones in order to maintain their registration and remain eligible for financial support. They must engage fully in their degree program, including coursework, field or laboratory work, and thesis writing. Only professional doctoral programs such as the DBA, DDes, EdD or DN are designed to be compatible with full-time employment.
D.3.2 Course-Based Programs

Full- and part-time status in course-based credentials is determined each academic term.

a) Full-Time Students

Students in course-based credentials (i.e., certificates, diplomas or master’s degrees) will be considered full-time if they enrol in 6 units or more per term during each of the Fall and Winter Terms and 3 units or more per term during each of the Spring and Summer Terms.

b) Part-Time Students

Students enrolled in course-based credentials (i.e., certificates, diplomas or master’s degrees) are considered part-time when they register in fewer than 6 units per term in the Fall and Winter Terms or fewer than 3 units per term in the Spring and Summer Terms.