Decisions regarding advanced credit and course exemption are final and at the discretion of the program. They may not be appealed.
Advanced Credit
At the time of admission, a student may seek credit for coursework completed before entering their University of Calgary graduate program. Courses for which advanced credit is being sought must be from a recognized institution and not have been used for any degree or diploma accreditation. They must be graded, graduate-level courses, and the graded level of performance must be equivalent to a "B-" grade or higher standing at the University of Calgary.
Advanced credit is not normally given for courses taken more than five years before admission to the current graduate degree program or for courses taken for the purposes of qualifying for admission.
Course Exemption
A student may be granted an exemption from taking a required
course or certain specific courses within their graduate degree program
as a result of having completed equivalent coursework in the past.
Courses for which exemptions are being sought must be from a recognized
institution, and they must be graded courses with a minimum grade of
"B-". No credit is awarded. Unless otherwise specified by the program, a University of Calgary graduate student who
is granted a course exemption is therefore still required to complete
the total number of units in their program by taking another
program-approved course.