In addition to Faculties of Graduate Studies and Education requirements, entry requirements for the Master of Science degree in School and Applied Psychology specialization include:
a) Honours degree in Psychology (or equivalent) is preferred, however applicants with a degree in Psychology and previous experience in the Psychological field will be considered, with a grade point average of 3.00 (equivalent to a "B" or 70 per cent in many universities) over the courses taken during the last two years of study.
b) A curriculum vita and statement of research and professional interests including the specification of a prospective research supervisor from among current faculty.
c) Two academic references, one of which is normally from the undergraduate honours supervisor, if applicable.
d) For applicants required to provide proof of proficiency in English, a minimum TOEFL score of 580 (written test) or 92 (Internet-based test) or a MELAB score of 82 or an IELTS score of 7.0.
e) Prior to admission, the most promising applicants may be interviewed to evaluate their understanding of and motivation for entry into the field of School and Applied Child Psychology.
Additional Requirements:
f) A short statement of intent (approximately 500 words) indicating your reasons for wanting to pursue graduate work in this degree.
g) A list of any academic awards, achievements, honours or other distinctions you have received. Itemize the monetary amount and the total.
h) A list of all publications and conference presentations you have on your résumé and specify whether the work was peer reviewed or non-peer reviewed.
i) Information about any financial support for your degree in the form of an award, sponsorship, or other. Please indicate the dollar amount and duration of the support, and when it is to start.
j) A list of any professional school psychology experience you have had (employment or volunteer). Please specify full-time or part-time and for how long. If part-time, please specify how many hours per week.
k) A short statement of your research experience (approximately 200 words) with respect to your previous research experience and the research you would like to pursue in this degree.