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5. Doctor of Medicine
5.1 Faculty Information
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5.3 Admissions
5.3.1 Conditions of Admission
5.4 Program Details
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University of Calgary Calendar 2023-2024 Cumming School of Medicine 5. Doctor of Medicine 5.3 Admissions 5.3.1 Conditions of Admission
5.3.1 Conditions of Admission
Indigenous Education Requirements

Recognizing the importance of building knowledge and skills for future physicians to work with Indigenous peoples in safe ways has led to new requirements. Baseline knowledge as students enter medical school is critically important and as such, all applicants choosing to accept an offer of admission must complete the online University of Alberta, Faculty of Native Studies Indigenous Canada course (optional certificate not required). New admits to the MD program will be required to provide proof of course completion prior to program start (July 1). More details can be found in Section 2.8 of the Applicant Manual.

Immunization Requirements

All applicants are required to complete a series of immunization and diagnostic tests as outlined on the Medical Student Immunization Worksheet. Documented proof of completion must be provided to the Associate Dean or designate prior to commencement of the program.

Throughout the MD program, students are required to ensure that immunizations are current and must provide proof of updates to the Cumming School of Medicine. Failure to do so will result in students being removed from clinical courses/site until such time as adequate proof has been provided. Please note requirements may change during the program as determined by Alberta Health Services and AFMC guidelines.

In addition, the College of Physicians of Alberta describes medical conditions that may require surveillance; these regulations apply to students who are registered with the CPSA as a condition of attending the program. See Duty to Report Self - College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta | CPSA.

For more information on CPSA regulations see: Standards of Practice - College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta | CPSA.

N-95 Fit Testing Requirements

All admitted MD students are fit tested for an N-95 mask. Fit testing will take place twice during the program; upon admittance to program and again prior to clerkship. Students may be required to wear this mask in the practice setting to help protect against certain communicable diseases. Fit testing is only valid for two years; therefore students must present proof of a second fit testing at the time of expiration.

Basic Life Support (BLS) CPR Course Requirements

All MD students are required to complete and submit proof of BLS CPR course. This is to be completed when admitted to program and updated yearly.

Security Clearance/Criminal Record Check

All applicants to the MD Program in the Cumming School of Medicine are required to provide a current Police Information Check (also referred to as a Criminal Record Check or Security Clearance). In order to be considered "current", the Police Information Check must be completed during the three months prior to admission to the program. This will include a criminal record check or a police certificate from every jurisdiction you have ever lived (90+ days) within 10 year of your application or dating back to your 18th birthday. The original Police Information Check must be presented, in person, to an Undergraduate Medical Education staff for confirmation. Without this documentation, admission to the Medical Doctor Program will be rescinded.

Students who are concerned about the presence of a criminal record should contact the police department to discuss the process for eliminating or erasing such a record. It is important that students keep the original Police Information Check for future employment purposes.

Failure to present a clear Police Information Check may result in admission being denied/rescinded. An internal University appeal process is available to applicants who are refused admission for this reason.

Subsequent to admission and at any time during the program, a student may be required to produce a current Police Information Check, the results of which could require their withdrawal from the program, in the sole discretion of the University. Students are obligated to inform the School immediately of any change in status of their criminal record.