Instruction offered by members of the Cumming School of Medicine.
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Junior Course
Health and Society 201
Introduction to Health and Society
Introduction to public health, emphasizing the contributions of social research from several disciplinary traditions (anthropology, economics, epidemiology, geography, political science, psychology, and sociology) Students practice and refine several skill sets, including: library research, public speaking, teamwork, leadership and academic writing. Course Hours:3 units; H(3-0)
A broad-based, interdisciplinary overview of models of the determinants of health. Includes an analysis of evidence of the relative influence of environmental factors, health services, lifestyles and health behaviours, social and economic factors, biological predispositions, and the mechanisms involved in the societal uptake of various conceptions. Course Hours:3 units; H(3-0) Prerequisite(s):Health and Society 201 or consent of the instructor.
Introduction to the Canadian health system, the health policy process, institutions and providers in the health system, health care insurance, financing and delivery of health care, population and public health, a systems approach to health in a national and international perspective Course Hours:3 units; H(3-0) Prerequisite(s):Health and Society 201 or consent of the instructor.
An examination of some philosophical principles underlying and debates involving methodology in the social sciences. Consideration will be given to features both common to the social sciences as well as to those which distinguish them. Where appropriate, applications to health phenomena will be emphasized. Course Hours:3 units; H(3-0) Prerequisite(s):Health and Society 201 and third year or higher in the BHSc Honours or Health and Society minor program or consent of the instructor.
Health Research Methods and Research field practicum
An introduction to the research methods utilized in the Health Sciences. Students will begin to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct research in the Health and Society field. The importance of research design, qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods and the theoretical constructs that inform these approaches will be emphasized. Course Hours:6 units; F(6-0) Prerequisite(s):Medical Science 308 and admission to the BHSc Honours program.
An advanced seminar involving critical analysis of contemporary health issues. Topics vary from year-to-year, but are always drawn from the current academic literature, from the public policy arena, and/or from the popular media. Course Hours:3 units; H(3S-0) Prerequisite(s):Health and Society 401 and registration in the BHSc Honours Health and Society major.