Application deadlines: December 1 and May 1. Students are normally required to apply to the Career Services Office.
The Actuarial Science Co-operative Education programs are five-year degree programs which include 16 months of supervised work experience in various companies and government agencies. Students who wish to enter the Actuarial Science Co-operative Education program are urged to discuss their pre-admission course selection with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics as early in their program as possible.
Students must have successfully completed at least 8.0 FCE appropriate to their degree program, including Mathematics 321, Statistics 323 and Actuarial Science 327, before commencing the first co-operative education placement. Students must have a minimum grade point average of 2.70 in the field before commencing the Co-operative Education major program, or a minimum grade point average of 3.30 in the field before commencing the Co-operative Education honours program.