1. The Faculty of Social Sciences requires the successful completion of all courses required for graduation in "Degrees with a Major Field" listed in Faculty of Social Sciences, section 3.6 Graduation. Faculty and Department of Psychology requirements for graduation in a program with a Major Field (Psychology) must be met.
2. The Faculty of Medicine requires successful completion of all courses required for graduation with a BCR degree as listed in section 3.9 Graduation (BCR). Faculty and program requirements must be met.
3. The number of junior courses must not exceed 8 full-course equivalents in total.
4. At least one half of the 25 full-course equivalents must be taken at the University of Calgary. A maximum of 10 full-course equivalents may be transferred to any one of the Faculties. A maximum of 4.0 full course equivalent transfer courses may be counted towards the Psychology Major and at least 7 full-course equivalent Community Rehabilitation requirement courses must be taken at the University of Calgary.
Year 1
1. Psychology 205
2. Biology 205
3. 2.5 FCE options
1. Psychology 205
2. 3.0 FCE Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics)
1. Community Rehabilitation 205
2. Community Rehabilitation 207
3. Community Rehabilitation 209
Year 2
1. Psychology 312
2. Psychology 351 or 353
3. Psychology 385 or 383
4. 0.5 FCE options
1. Psychology 312
2. Psychology 351 or 353
3. Psychology 385 or 345 or 383
4. 0.5 FCE Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics)
1. Applied Psychology 419
2. Community Rehabilitation 485
3. Community Rehabilitation 487
4. Community Rehabilitation 591.35
5. One of Community Rehabilitation 591.02, 591.26 or 591.28 (or other 591 courses)
Year 3
1. Biology 305
2. Psychology 345
3. Psychology 365 or 369
4. Psychology 375
5. 1.5 FCE options
1. Biology 305
2. Psychology 365
3. Psychology 369
4. Psychology 375
5. 1.5 FCE options
1. Community Rehabilitation 425
2. Community Rehabilitation 591.34
3. One of: Community Rehabilitation 471, 473, 475
Year 4
1. 1.5 FCE 400-level Psychology courses
1. 1.5 FCE 400-level Psychology courses
1. Community Rehabilitation 415
2. Community Rehabilitation 573
3. Community Rehabilitation 583
4. One of senior practicum: Community Rehabilitation 589.01, 589.02, 589.06
5. 1.5 FCE options
Year 5
1. 1.5 FCE 400-level Psychology courses
1. 1.5 FCE 400-level Psychology courses
1. Community Rehabilitation 569
2. Community Rehabilitation 581
3. One of senior practicum: Community Rehabilitation 589.01, 589.02, 589.06
4. 2.0 FCE options