Course Feedback Implementation Working Group
Updating UCalgary's core survey questions
In 2018, UCalgary embarked on a process to overhaul the course feedback system. The USRI Working Group developed a recommendation report, which includes 43 recommendations for overhauling the course feedback system, including making updates to the six core questions asked across to all students.
From this work, the Course Feedback Implementation Working Group (CFIWG) was organized in 2022 and has been consulting on new questions to bring to the campus community. The new course survey questions aim to help students make meaningful adjustments to the quality of teaching and learning at UCalgary.
The revised questions will undergo feedback and consultation through the UCalgary community, before proceeding to the General Faculties Council (GFC) for review and approval. Questions would be piloted in 2024 with students before being formally implemented. Other changes to the course surveys include shifting to a new platform, Explorance Blue, over the course of the next year and a half.
Proposed draft survey name: UCalgary Course Experience Survey
I felt welcomed and included in the course environment.
I understood what was expected of me as a student in this course.
I received feedback during the course that contributed to my learning.
I was provided opportunity through the course assessments to demonstrate my learning.
Please provide additional context for any of your answers above.
All questions on this scale: Strongly Agree / Agree / Uncertain / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
How We Got Here

Course Feedback Implementation Working Group
Leslie Reid (Chair)
Administrative Co-Chair
Vice Provost, Teaching and Learning (ex officio)
Nicole Wyatt
Academic Co-Chair
Faculty of Arts
Brianne Burkinshaw
Academic staff representative
Faculty of Science
Ermia Rezaei-Afsah
Student representative
SU Vice President Student Life
To be confirmed
Graduate student representative
Fouzia Usman
Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning representative
Erin Spring
Academic staff representative
Werklund School of Education
Wendy Benoit
Academic staff representative
Faculty of Science
Sandra Amin
Student representative
SU Vice President Academic
Kirsten Neprily
Graduate student representative
GSA Vice President Academic
Jackie Lambert
Office of Institutional Analysis representative
Aruna Srivastava
Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion representative
Justine Wheeler
TUCFA representative
To be confirmed
Office of Indigenous Engagement representative