
Mohammed, A.A., Kurylyk, B.L., Cey, E.E. and Hayashi, M. 2018. Snowmelt infiltration and macropore flow in frozen soils: overview, knowledge gaps and a conceptual framework. Vadose Zone Journal, 17: 180084.

Rodríguez-Rodríguez, M., Fernández-Ayuso, A., Hayashi, M. and Moral, F. 2018. Using water temperature, electrical conductivity, and pH to characterize surface – groundwater relations in a shallow ponds system (Doñana National Park, SW Spain). Water, 10: 1406.

Noorduijn, S.L., Hayashi, M., Mohammed, G.A. and Mohammed, A.A. 2018. A coupled soil water balance model for simulating depression-focused groundwater recharge. Vadose Zone Journal, 17: 170176.

Harrington, J.S., Mozil, A., Hayashi, M. and Bentley, L.R. 2018. Groundwater flow and storage processes in an inactive rock glacier. Hydrological Processes, 32: 3070-3088.

Pavlovskii, I., Hayashi, M. and Lennon, M.R. 2018. Transformation of snow isotopic signature along groundwater recharge pathways in the Canadian Prairies. Journal of Hydrology, 563: 1147-1160.

Guest, G. and 18 others. 2018. Comparing the performance of the DNDC, Holos and VSMB models for predicting the water partitioning of various crops and sites across Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 98: 212-231.

Connon, R., Devoie, E., Hayashi, M., Veness, T. and Quinton, W.L. 2018. The influence of shallow taliks on permafrost thaw and active layer dynamics in subarctic Canada. Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface, 123: 281-297.

Harrington, J.S., Hayashi, M. and Kurylyk, B.L. 2017. Influence of a rock glacier spring on the stream energy budget and cold-water refuge in an alpine stream. Hydrological Processes, 31: 4719–4733.

Okkonen, P., Ala-aho, P., Hänninen, M., Hayashi, M., Sutinen, R. and Liwata, P. 2017. Multi-year simulation and model calibration of soil moisture and temperature profiles in till soil. European Journal of Soil Science, 68: 629-639.

Kurylyk, B.L. and Hayashi, M. 2017. Inferring hydraulic properties of alpine aquifers from the propagation of diurnal snowmelt signals. Water Resources Research, 53: 4271-4285.

Niazi, A., Bentley, L.R. and Hayashi, M. 2017. Estimation of spatial distribution of groundwater recharge from stream baseflow and groundwater chloride. Journal of Hydrology, 546:380-392.