Lectures and Conference Presentations
Here are two important presentations.
* The first link is to "The labeling of genocide". How do events become successfully defined as genocide?
* The second link is to my analysis of the 1994 "Genocide in Rwanda" based on our fieldwork in 2014-15.
Both presentations require an oral exposition.
Recent Lectures on Changes in Canadian Prostitution Law
I gave 2 lectures at the University of Calgary in November 2019 that describe how our fieldwork on prostitution undertaken for the Department of Justice in the 1990s was employed by three parties to challenge the constitutionality of the laws designed to suppress prostitution.
The first lecture describes the problems that arose from the case of R v Hutt (1977) which required that soliciting only became criminal when it was "pressing and persistent". The second lecture describes how the new law designed to overcome the Hutt limitations was successfully challenged in the case of R v Bedford (2010).