Oct. 4, 2018
Third-year students win 2018 McGillivray Shield Moot Competition

Third-year students Scott Ellis and Kayla Ueland won the 2018 McGillivray Moot Shield Competition on October 4, 2018. Acting as the Appellants, the team argued on the decision Marida-Moron v. Denial Assurance Co., [2017] A.J. No. ABC (QB), Acting as the Respondents were second-year students Stephen Abosi and Alex McKay.
The Problem:
This is an appeal from the decision in Marida-Moron v. Denial Assurance Co., [2017] A.J. No. ABC (QB). ...Leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal of NewAlta has been granted on the following two issues:
1. Was the trial judge correct that Mr. Moron's death arose out of the use or operation of the motor vehicle?
2. Was the trial judge correct that Mr. Moron's death was no accidental within the meaning of the FIL policy and that Mr. Moron "courted the risk"?

Third-year student Kayla Ueland acted as one of the Appellants.
Top oralists from all the rounds of the competition are:
- Scott Ellis, 3L
- Alex McKay, 2L
- Hyechan Lee, 3L
- Alexandra Heine, 3L
- Colin Patterson, 3L
Thank you to our members of the Bench for the final round:
- The Honourable Justice L.B. Ho, Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta
- Mr. Douglas McGillivray, QC, Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLP
- Ms. Valerie Prather, QC, LLB'88, Bennett Jones LLP
Second-year student Kyle Havart-Carns was the timekeeper for the final round.
Special thank you to Carbert Waite LLP for their continued support of the McGillivray Shield Moot Competition.

Second-year student Stephen Abosi was one of the Respondents for the competition.