AIM-HI Network Stipends & Bursaries
Learn about previous opportunities and apply for current ones!
Current Opportunities
The AIM-HI Network Travel Bursary will provide funding to support travel for First Nations, Métis and Inuit students, enrolled full-time in an undergraduate, graduate or post-doctoral degree program at a post-secondary academic institution in Alberta, who are presenting health related research as the first author at conferences or professional meetings, or attending the National Gathering of Graduate Students (NGGS).
- Self-identified First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students enrolled full-time in an undergraduate, graduate or post-doctoral degree program at a post-secondary academic institution in Alberta
- First author on health related research accepted for oral or poster presentation at conferences of professional meetings OR attending the National Gathering of Graduate Students
Funding Amounts:
- Provincial meeting (within Alberta) $500
- National meeting (within Canada) $750
- International meeting (outside of Canada) $1,000
Applications are accepted year-round until the annual amount allotted for this competition is expended.
Students are limited to one award per fiscal year (April 1-March 31).
Full terms of reference detailing eligible expenses and application requirements are found here.
The AIM-HI Network Undergraduate Summer Student Stipend will provide funding to support First Nations, Métis and Inuit students engaging in health sciences research during the summer months (May-August) in an environment that provides strong mentorship.
Eligibility- Self-identified First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students enrolled full-time in an undergraduate degree program at a post-secondary academic institution
- Conducting a summer research project related to health (any discipline and methodology)
- Supervised by a qualified faculty member at a post-secondary academic institution in Alberta who has sufficient funding to support the proposed research and monthly contribution to the stipend
Full terms of reference detailing eligible expenses, application requirements, accountability and adjudication criteria can be found here.
Previous Opportunities
The AIM-HI Network Travel Bursary will provide funding to support travel for First Nations, Métis and Inuit students, enrolled full-time in an undergraduate, graduate or post-doctoral degree program at a post-secondary academic institution in Alberta, who are presenting health related research as the first author at conferences or professional meetings, or attending the National Gathering of Graduate Students (NGGS).
- Self-identified First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students enrolled full-time in an undergraduate, graduate or post-doctoral degree program at a post-secondary academic institution in Alberta
- First author on health related research accepted for oral or poster presentation at conferences of professional meetings OR attending the National Gathering of Graduate Students
Funding Amounts:
- Provincial meeting (within Alberta) $500
- National meeting (within Canada) $750
- International meeting (outside of Canada) $1,000
Applications are accepted year-round until the annual amount allotted for this competition is expended.
Students are limited to one award per fiscal year (April 1-March 31).
Full terms of reference detailing eligible expenses and application requirements are found here.
The AIM-HI Network Undergraduate Summer Student Stipend will provide funding to support First Nations, Métis and Inuit students engaging in health sciences research during the summer months (May-August) in an environment that provides strong mentorship.
Eligibility- Self-identified First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students enrolled full-time in an undergraduate degree program at a post-secondary academic institution
- Conducting a summer research project related to health (any discipline and methodology)
- Supervised by a qualified faculty member at a post-secondary academic institution in Alberta who has sufficient funding to support the proposed research and monthly contribution to the stipend
Full terms of reference detailing eligible expenses, application requirements, accountability and adjudication criteria can be found here.
The AIM-HI Network Graduate Student Mentorship Stipend will provide funding to support First Nations, Métis and Inuit health sciences research graduate students to actively engage in their individual development and mentorship needs.
Eligibility:- Self-identified First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students enrolled full-time in a Masters or PhD degree program relevant to health research (broadly defined) at a post-secondary academic institution in Alberta
Full terms of reference detailing eligible expenses, application requirements, accountability and adjudication criteria can be found here.
The AIM-HI Network Travel Bursary will provide funding to support Alberta-based Indigenous scholars working in health research to attend the 2019 Blue Quills Four Ceremonies Gathering Cultural Camp held May 27-30, 2019. Scholars (Undergraduate, Graduate, Post-Doctoral Students and Researchers (academic institution or community-based)) from First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities who are living in Alberta are welcome to apply.
Event Details and Protocol Available Here
Sponsorship Amount: $500
Terms of Reference and the Application Form are found here. Please forward the completed application form and confirmation of registration to aimhi@ucalgary.ca
The AIM-HI Network and the Population, Public and Indigenous Health Strategic Clinical Network (PPIH-SCNTM) have collaborated with the goal of supporting Indigenous Health Research Initiatives in Alberta, which includes increasing the number of Indigenous Researchers. Through this collaboration, salary funding will be provided to a First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) graduate student or post-doctoral fellow who will support the evaluation of the Patient and Community Engagement Research (PaCER) Internship Program - Indigenous Cohort.
The successful candidate will work with support and guidance from the PPIH SCN™ Scientific Office to further develop an evaluation design and plan to meet the intended outcomes for the evaluation. The graduate student will have experience in Indigenous engagement and in applying a blend of Indigenous and Western research methods and evaluation approaches. Data collection will occur through surveys and interviews with the following stakeholders (approximately 43 stakeholders).
- Self-identified FNMI student enrolled full-time in a Masters or PhD degree program at a post-secondary academic institution in Alberta, or who has completed graduate training in the past 3 years.
- Willingness to participate in AIM-HI Network activities during the tenure of their award.
Follow the links to see the terms of reference and application details. Submit the required documents to aimhi@ucalgary.ca by 5 pm Mountain on May 14, 2019.
The AIM-HI Network and the Alberta First Nations Information Governance Centre (AFNIGC) have collaborated with the goal of supporting Indigenous Health Research Initiatives in Alberta, which includes increasing the number of Indigenous Researchers. Through this collaboration, salary funding will be provided to First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) research undergraduate and graduate students who will support the development of proposals to be submitted to the Federal Research Granting Agencies in Canada (Canadian Institute of Health Research, Social Science and Humanities Research Council, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council), or complete project work within tri-council funded project or team grants.
Eligibility:- Self-identified FNMI students enrolled full-time in an Undergraduate, Masters or PhD degree program at a post-secondary academic institution in Alberta
- Willingness to participate in AFNIGC & AIM-HI Network Training Sessions during the tenure of their award.
Full terms of reference detailing eligible expenses, application requirements, accountability and adjudication criteria can be found here.
A list of preceptors and projects for the summer of 2019 is available here.
The application form is found here. Please forward the completed application form and your CV to aimhi@ucalgary.ca
The AIM-HI Network, in partnership with Dr. Andrea Kennedy and Mount Royal University, invites applications for the AIM-HI Student Field School: Local-to-Global Indigenous Service Learning in Alberta & Hawaii.
This opportunity is a funded mentorship experience for 5 self-identified Indigenous students enrolled in health research-related studies at an Alberta post-secondary institution to explore local-to-global service learning as a foundation for Indigenous health and community-based research.
This opportunity has three main components:
- Preparation (Calgary) x 2 days October 4-6, 2019
- Field school (Oahu, Hawaii) x 10 days– February 14-23, 2020
- Debrief & Presentation (Calgary) x 2 days May 29-31, 2020
The field school is led by Andrea Kennedy, RN PhD, Mount Royal University Associate Professor & professional leadership coach. Dr. Kennedy is of Métis, Celtic & Italian ancestry. Andrea teaches by integrating Indigenous and Western Knowledge through two-eyed seeing. She co-founded MRU Indigenous Health Community of Practice, leads a local-to-global Indigenous child health field school, and is engaged in research on mentorship and advancing reconciliation in higher education. She is hanai (traditionally adopted & named) by her Hawaiian Elder-Kupuna Francine Dudoit.
Eligible students must:
- Self-identify as Indigenous
- Be over 18 years of age
- Be enrolled in health research-related studies at an Alberta post-secondary institution
- Complete first year of post-secondary studies by September 2019 (30 credits)
- Be eligible & apply for passport by September 2019
- Apply for vulnerable sector police check at time of application (send receipt with application)
- Be able to travel independently
Field school expenses are funded* for 5 students and include:
- Preparation & debrief workshop (Calgary or Virtual connect) – ground/air travel, food and accommodations
- Hawaii field school - airfare & ground transportation (airport transfer & public transit), accommodations and food (shared groceries)
- Cultural events & island excursion
- Student stipend $500
*Students are responsible for the following expenses out-of-pocket:
- Travel and medical insurance
- Passport & vulnerable sector check
- Self-directed activities
Please see application information and document requirements. All applications must be filled out online using the following link: Field School Application
Eligible candidates will be contacted for interviews.
There are 4 parts for your application for the Local to Global Hawaii Field School:
- Completed Application Form
- Post-secondary transcript
- Application Essay (500-750 words)
- Two reference letters - Please provide a description about the Applicant’s suitability for a trip of this nature, including leadership, collaboration, ability to get along with others, demonstration of flexibility and professionalism. Referees will be contacted by the AIM-HI Network team
Students who are accepted to this Field School will also be required to:
- Apply for Vulnerable Sector police check within 2 weeks of acceptance
- Complete additional forms including Risk & Safety Acknowledgement
Writing Retreat at the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, July 28 - August 2 2019
The AIM-HI Network is offering an opportunity for First Nations, Métis and Inuit health sciences research students to participate in a 5 day writing retreat to advance their progress in writing a scholarly article, manuscript or book chapter, a grant application, or their thesis proposal or dissertation.
This self-directed writing retreat will provide an opportunity for students to immerse themselves in making progress in writing a manuscript, book chapter, grant application, or their thesis. Although it is a self-directed retreat and no formal teaching sessions will be offered, a minimum of 1 AIM-HI Mentor will be in attendance and available as a resource for feedback or idea generation. Group activities will be organized at the discretion of the Mentor and will be offered daily (e.g., hike or other physical activity, common meal times, mentoring sessions, music in the evening). Each retreat will be limited to a maximum of 9 students.
- 5 nights accommodation (private), breakfast, lunch and dinner daily, and snacks will be paid upfront by the AIM-HI Network
- Travel costs (mileage, bus) to and from Banff will be reimbursed after completion of the retreat. If you require this funding upfront, please indicate this on your application
- Self-identified First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students enrolled full-time in a Masters, PhD or post-doctoral degree program at a post-secondary academic institution in Alberta
- Self-identified First Nations, Métis, and Inuit students enrolled full-time in a health professional degree program at a post-secondary academic institution in Alberta and engaged in health research project(s)
Dates: July 28 – August 2, 2019
Application Requirements: Completed application form submitted to aimhi@ucalgary.ca by June 26, 2019 at 9 AM Mountain