Welcome to the Language and Cognitive Development Lab!
Welcome to the main page of the LCD Lab!
At our lab, we are interested in looking at how infants and preschool age children learn new words and develop concepts in order to better understand the world around them. To address these topics, we run non-evaluative studies that are formatted like games for our participants to have fun. We hope to apply our knowledge of typical development to populations of infants and children, and we would love to have your help in contributing to the world of developmental science! This work is all made possible through a devoted group of researchers, generous funding, and the continued support and participation of parents and children.
Language and Cognitive Development Lab, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary | AD 221
P: (403) 220-4955 | E: lcdlab@ucalgary.ca | 2500 University Drive N.W., Calgary AB, T2N 1N4